Scientific Publishers (India)

539 books
The book aims to ignite the minds of academicians so that new arenas of research open up. The book will provide data about the seeds of 150 Indian medicinal plants at glance, giving the readers a quick handy view on the information about a particular seed of interest. This book will be a comprehensive and scientifically accurate guide to the best-known and most important 150 medicinal plants seeds. The book includes descriptions of 150 medicinal plants seeds. ...
This book has been mainly written keeping in view the requirements of the students of Agricultural Entomology of various Universities. The book provides a brief account on the structure, function, development and metamorphosis, and a comprehensive account on almost all the methods of pest control. The nature of damage caused by the important insect pests of crops, their life histories and control have been described. It is hoped that the students of Agricultural ...
The book, consists of 31 chapters, will be useful to scientists working in the field of entomology. Chapters 1-10 present comprehensive review of concept and implementation and future need of pest management, impact of climate on pest population, insect invasion, pollinators, pesticide use, bar coding as tool to understand diversity and pesticide formulation and safety to environment. The next 5 chapters present comprehensive information on host plant resistance, ...
Proper identification of medicinal plants is still a great problem at this time. It has also drawn the attention from common men in general and scholars in the medical streams. In the light of the above, the curiosity about the sources of the medicines, medicinal plants in most of the cases, has drawn considerable interest among all quarters of the medical science. In addition, in the absence of proper knowledge related to the identification of medicinal plants, ...
The entrepreneurship training presented in this manual is aimed at building the capacity of smallholder farmers in CA and AF thereby enhancing CGIAR’s Systems priority 3(Reducing rural poverty through agricultural diversification and emerging opportunities for high-value commodities and products) Priority 4 (Reducing extreme poverty and hunger) MDG 7 (Environmental sustainability and MDG 3 (Reducing the gender disparity).
The development of this training ...
The book has 17 chapters dealing with recent developments in physiological and molecular plant pathology: the entry and establishment of pathogen, physiological disorders during the infection, mechanism of multiplication of the pathogens in the host and destabilization of the biochemical machinery of the host. The book deciphers the response and reactions of the host plant at molecular level. The chapter on ‘Mechanism of Disease Resistance’ ...
We all are indebted to nature for providing us food and its resources for our subsistence and survival.
In the food domain, cereal and legume grains occupy the front line, whereas, horticultural crops have occupied the second line of defense. For healthy diet cereals and legumes provide us with carbohydrates and protein, whereas, fruits and vegetables provide us minerals and vitamins. Both macro- and micro- nutrients are essential for human growth and ...
The book Virtuous Plants contains scientific names, popular names in different international/national/regional languages, legendary/historical significance, systematic position according to three systems of plant classification viz., Bentham and Hooker, Engler and Prantl and Hutchinson, geographical distribution morphological features, flowering, fruiting, methods of propagation/cultivation and various uses of 92 virtuous plants of Indian subcontinent. The book ...
This book is primarily intended for the U.G. and P.G. Students in chemistry and in fields like agriculture, engineering etc. This book used as a text book as well as a reference book by all working in chemistry laboratories.
Opportunities exist for increasing food production in a sustainable manner through the genetic improvement of field crops. One of the potential tools for improvement of the crop performance is the genetic alteration and selection.
It is known that dryland farming is not remunerative due to several constraints. Location specific technologies have been evolved for yield stabilization in dryland farming and conservation of fragile ecosystem by sustainable use of soil and water resources. Drought and flood situations are experienced some where in the country inspite of pletifull resources of waters unshine hours but poverty among farmers still exists. This is a point of sereous concern. ...
The book is aimed to be a treatise on the ‘Systematic Pomology’, the primary component of science of fruits, dealing with identification, nomenclature and classification of fruit species based on the descriptions of characteristics related to their morphological, genetical, physiological, biochemical, biotechnological and eco-attributes. Besides taxonomic narrative of each species under the respective orders and genera, considerable emphasis has been ...
Generation of new technology and its effective transfer to those who need them is highly important in order to satisfy the changing needs all over world. Agricultural Education in its broadest sense covers all man's endeavours in the acquisition, transmission and absorption of knowledge of the better means and understanding of the processes which lead to the scientific and better farming and cover all the basic needs of the human beings, i.e., food, clothing and ...
The book covers clear and crisp pedagogy in the field of decision making process, which pervades the activities of every business manager. Modest attempt has been made to discuss some of the commonly used quantitative techniques in a wide spectrum of decision-making situations. It presents the application of various techniques through a large number of examples and review illustrations. A number of problems from various examinations have also been incorporated. ...
Indira's Objective Agriculture for competitive exams in agriculture discipline contain 21 chapters covering all related discipline. The chapters included such as: General agriculture, Agricultural climatology, Genetics and plant breeding, Agricultural biotechnology, Plant physiology, Plant biochemistry, Agricultural microbiology, Seed science, Agronomy, Soil science, Entomology, Plant pathology, Horticulture, Agricultural extension, Agricultural economics, Animal ...
Though many practical books are available in the market but this Laboratory Manual of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is an unique combination of protocols that covers maximum (about 80%) of the practicals of various Indian universities for UG and PG curses in Bioscience, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biochemical Engineering.
While preparing this laboratory manual the efforts have been made into various aspects of laboratory ...
This is one of a series of books intended to introduce field-biology to students, particularly the sixth form and early university student. The present work is ecologically biased in order to emphasize a rather neglected aspect of the higher fungi.
The present work is arranged in three parts the agarics are dealt with first, the moon-agarics next, both with particular reference to their major habitat preferences, and lastly a catalogue of those more specialized ...
Entomology in the Doon Valley (Garhwal Region) is a unique journey into annals of the country’s most fascinating and highly entomofauna rich habitat – the Dehra Dun or the Doon Valley, tucked in the cosy climate of the foothills of the lower Himalayan region. Notwithstanding an unprecedented quantum of fragmented information available on the insects of the Doon Valley, courtesy various different long term research programmes carried out at the three ...
The present book deals with the forest heath in general and tree mortality in particular. It is a well–known fact that death of the trees is inevitable but when tree mortality interferes with poor health and productivity of the forest, then it certainly becomes a serious concern. Since the year 1990 each and every forest of the country was observed thoroughly and examined very closely for its health in general and productive capacity to cope with the ...
This book entitled “Weed Identification and Medicinal Use” deals with important weed identification tips as well as medicinal use of important weeds. In the first chapter, key identification characteristics of weeds like leaf shape, arrangement of the leaves, type of flowers and inflorescence are given. In the second chapter photographs of 201 weeds along with detailed morphological characters, association with different crops, their dispersal ...
The Aravalli ranges are one of the oldest mountain systems of the world which have the oldest granitic and gneissic rocks at their base, overlain by the rocks of the Aravalli Super groups. These rocks are highly metamorphosed at certain places and show rich occurrences of minerals of great commercial importance. The Aravalli ranges are fairly rich in floral diversity and man and other organisms have to depend solely on these bioresources. The assessment of flora ...