Shipra Publications

502 books
Skill’ and ‘Knowledge’ are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country. Skill India is an initiative of Indian Government, launched to empower the youth with skill sets which make them more employable and productive in their work environments.
Skill India brings a lot of advantages and opportunities for young Indians. The skill ecosystem is seeing some great reforms and policy interventions and is reinvigorating ...
English hasundoubtedly become a Global Language. With the increasing role of ICT in the changing society, a vital contact with English language has become a fundamental necessity. Not being Mother-tongue, teaching-learning English has always been a challenging task.
Written in a simple, clear and lucid language, the book describes the role of teachers in developing the linguistic skills among the learners. The issues of linguistic variations and regional ...
This book offers a comprehensive account of various aspects of the teachings of English as a second/foreign language in India and abroad. It explains how the knowledge of English is a must in a globalized world. India needs English to communicate internally across linguistically organized states. English is essential for higher studies in science, technology and even humanities and social studies. It is imperative to recognize the centrality of English ‘in ...
Creating an inclusive school for providing inclusive education to the diverse learners of our diverse society is becoming quite necessary for our nation. This book focusses on providing the needed knowledge to the ‘would-be-teachers’ for establishing and managing an inclusive school.
Beginning with throwing light on the concept and need of providing inclusive education in our schools, it discusses all essentials about the nature and type of ...
All our efforts in an educational system are focussed on carrying out the process of teaching and learning in a proper way for the needed development and progress of the learners. This book is intended to acquaint the teachers with the essentials of such learning and teaching. Beginning with throwing light on the concept of learning and teaching, it discusses all essentials about the development of the learners; approaches to learning including constructivism ...
The writing of Prof. Amlan Datta deserve serious attention of students, teachers, researchers and intellectuals alike given his status as an economist amongst philosophers and a philosopher amongst economists. His time tested thoughts will surely inspire the coming generations and shape their lives in the individual, socio-economic and political spheres. With this conviction serving as our inspiration, we present this compilation of his works as a tribute to this ...
The present book ‘Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment of Learning’ is a comprehensive work. The focus is on making educational and mental measurement more valid and reliable and using the evidences for improving pupils' achievements, instructional effectiveness and validation of the teaching-learning process.
The book would enable the pupil teachers and other clientele to understand the concept, principles, processes and tools of evaluation and ...
Sociology of aging is the final phase of an individual’s life, where an elderly confronts many difficulties with regard to their physical condition, mental health, and support system. The challenges of aging of course require intervention. One of the interventions that can support wellbeing of the aging population is the profession of social work. This book designs the interventions intended to assist the elderly clients in alleviating problems impeding ...
Gradual evolution of the state of independent India has been divided into three inter-related phases: the nationalist leadership during Phase I (1947-1991) had made every effort to build a modern, democratic, secular, capitalist state of India; during Phase II (1991-2014), the ruling classes had abandoned the earlier independent path of capitalist development in favour of integration with transnational finance capital and also opted for American model of ...
This volume, a collection of scholarly articles, is an in-depth study of contemporary issues in the field of education. It covers — role of teacher education in knowledge society; Rich Site Summary (RSS) technology to revolutionize higher education, stress-free learning; TQM practices; Madarsa education; capacity building of Muslim minorities; sustainable development; reforming evaluation system; issues and challenges of higher education; technology based ...
Education is a significant arena that is affected by policy changes. Private provision of education along market principles that advocate profit rather than broader aims of education, a subject of debate for long, raises concerns regarding equity and quality. Private education institutions, although serve the poor also, are said to be businesses.
This workprobes the question of education in such ambience empowering the backward minorities, focusing on the Muslim ...
Book attempts to provide a meaningful explanation of issues, like why to study educational psychology?, what is its utility to the prospective as well as in-service teachers?, what is its role in making education child oriented? All these issues are explained by incorporating the views of great educational psychologists in a simple way.
Mizoram, one of the hill states of India, is an agrarian economy where majority of the population practice shifting or jhum cultivation since the time of their forefathers. With the changing requirements of the growing population, jhum cultivation became devastating in nature, causing drastic decline in crop yield, loss of forest wealth, soil fertility, and biodiversity. It also causes environmental degradation. The need to develop alternative and sustainable ...
This book places and configures its contents material vividly in a lucid and simple language giving a wide range of coverage to various aspects relating to the field of Educational Psychology of almost all universities of the country inconformity to the present Uniform Curriculum Structure of NCTE regulation—2014. The book should cater the academic needs of learners. It may also be useful for In-service-teachers Teacher-Educators, Research Scholars and ...
This book deals with psychological dimensionality of teacher effectiveness in terms of intellectual and creative attributes i.e. general intelligence, social intelligence, emotional intelligence and creativity of secondary school teachers. Human characteristics of the teacher’s emotional and creative skills play a significant role in being an effective teacher. In order to achieve high goals and expectations of education in the present era, the ...