Smriti Books

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This book deals with the myths and legends of India, which survive in the rich and abundant storehouse of Sanskrit literature. The reader is introduced to the various sacred works of the Hindus. The ancient forest sages and poets of India invested the legendary themes and traditional beliefs with beautiful symbolism and used them as mediums for speculative thought and profound spiritual teaching. These ennobling ideas are still a potent culturing influence in the ...
The story of the city of Delhi has a phoenix like characteristic and phenomenal magnetism. The book narrates the seven cities as Lalkot and Kila Rai Pithora, the first city of Delhi, moving on to Siri, Tughlaqabad, Jahanpanah, Firozabad, Dinpanah and Shahjahanabad. Buffeted by monarchic and dynastic changes, the city of Delhi still preserves glimpses of the past memories. The book is an attempt to revive those memories.
This book covers the full spectrum of color use in healing, providing instructions for a variety of simple, yet effective technique. Color is very much a part of our lives; it is also a part of our health. Since the beginning of time, colors have been endowed with magic. The ancient Egyptians used color in their temples of healing. The Chinese and the Chaldeans used it, as did the mystics of India, who associated colors with the chakras. Phythagoras used it for ...
Trying to understand U.G. or his teachings is like trying to grasp the wind in the palm of your hand. Though they are as refreshing and fragrant as a fresh breeze, yet they can also be as devastating as a wild fire! They are as nourishing as the earth and water, if only we can just listen to them and then ‘forget all about them’! U.G.’s teachings can certainly bring us down to earth from the lofty but cloudy skies of illusion, so that we can come back ...
Eternal Stories from the Upanishds include some of the most beloved and illuminating stories from the vast literature of India’s Vedic traditions. Adapted from the original texts, these tales telll the story of enlightenment in simple, poetic language that will appeal to all. The Upanishads are a precious aspect of the Vedic Literature of India. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has gathered the scattered, thousands-of-years-old Vedic literature into a complete science of ...
Offers a perspectives that opens unique insights into the multi-facets spiritual universe that is Buddhism. Also crucial notions of suffering and its cessation, void form, nirvana-samsara are elucidated.
Thre men narrate the life story of BUddha - one is his son, one is a creative of fiction, the charioteer and the third a cousin. As they proceed with the narration their understanding of the Master`s Teaching deepens, enabling each on to achieve his own transformation.
In the beauty of an ancient artifact, in the majesty of a monument from a distant past, we sense the living, vibrant soul of people who still have much to teach us today despite all of our technological and material gains, we long for the spiritual strength and grace that was theirs. Ancient Teachings for Spiritual Growth is a detailed and intense course in psychic development and spiritual growth with exercises and experiments designed to lead you to your full ...
This is not a complete autobiography. It is a one-sided, highly subjective account of my search for spiritual understanding and an answer to the question, "Is there anything like enlightenment?" The friends that I have known during my life have all affected me in different ways, some shared my quest and others have had little interest in my so-called inner life. Two teachers who by coincidence have the same given name, J. Krishnamurti and U.G. ...
Up and down UG’s torso, neck and head, at those points which Indian holy men call charkas, his friends observe swellings of various shapes and colours, which came and went at intervals. On his lower abdomen the swellings were horizontal, cigar-shaped bands. Above the navel was a hard, almond-shaped swelling. A hard, blue swelling, like a large medallion, at the base of his throat. These two medallions were as though suspended from a multicoloured, swollen ring ...