Sri Satguru Publications
775 books
The book “Heart Disorders & their care in Ayurveda” written by the well known author Professor Ajay Kumar Sharma is a complete and comprehensive treatise on the subject. This is the first book in English which deals with the subject in all completeness and clarity covering all aspects of “Hrdroga” as described in various treatise of Ayruveda. The entire text is richly supported with original references from Ayurvedic classics. Latest ...
The title of the book itself discloses its importance. Truly speaking without materialism cultivation of Indian Philosophical schools is absurd. Almost all of the Indian schools either oppose or refute this system. The author deals with the Indian Materialism in all its aspects historically, analytically and comparatively. An attempt is here made to expound the Carvaka School and to analysis its logical implications. From the academic point of view this book is ...
l like the accessible way this book is written. It focuses on a most important aspect of Eastern thought and demonstrates its relevance to our current community and individual lite in the modern West. At the same time it traces the history of nonviolence in the East in a way that has not been done before—Harold G. Coward, University of Victoria
This book probes the origins of the practice of nonviolence in early India and traces its path within the Jaina, ...
It is one of the nine Mahayana texts. The Lalitavistara is a biography of Buddha. It has twenty-seven chapters in which an account of the Buddha legend upto the Sermon of Varanasi. It originally contained the biography of Buddha according to the Sarvastivada school of Hinayana. From the view point of History o religion and literature, it is of immense value.
Buddhism is a name given comparatively recently by western scholars to the message given by Gautama who became the Buddha. The teaching of Buddha were known as dharma. It comprises a search for the native of human existence together with a firm commitment to a release from the riddle of suffering associated with it. Therefore it appears to be ingrained in a kind of soteriology. The Buddha found solution to both the issues concerned and the solution offered by him ...
In this compilation no attempt has been made to present a general view of Buddhism as a religious or philosophical system. The aim has rather been to turn Buddhism to account as a moral force by bringing together a selection of its beautiful sentiments and lofty maxims and particularly by including some of these which Inculcate mercy to the lower animals. In the average Buddhist treatise with its earnest exhortations recurring as a matter of course, to show mercy ...
Buddhism preaches no dogma it teaches practice. It is not so much concerned with its goal-the mysterious and unascertainable Nirvana as with the path i.e. sanctity.
Obviously Buddhism orginates from observance a clear cut perception of the fact that men are suffering from actual pains which are to be healed at once, that they are poisoned with desire which prepares for them sufferings therefore desire is to be crushed.
The book deals with the means of salvation. ...
I need hardly apologise for offering these pages to the public. These are mostly reprints from the contemporary papers, of the speeches and lectures of my brother Sri Sarat Chandra, as to what he saw and learnt about the little known works of Indian Aryans, in the countries beyond the Himalayas during his sojourn in Tibet, and I have little doubt the inquiring public will find much in them to think and ponder on. It is an undoubted fat that Buddhism found its way ...
The need for a desperately printed Tibetan-English Glossary on historical terms has long been felt, both by enquirers and advanced students. The present book gives words in Tibetan script, Transliteration, Sanskrit equivalent and the meaning in English.
Vipassana Meditation is not something that we only do a little of each day it becomes the way we live all day every day, so that we work with all life’s situations and find peace and happiness everywhere.
If you practice meditation this is the book you’ll want to take every where with you! Steve and Rosemary Weissman offer insights into the development process because when you start to meditate you eventually will look at all the problems that people ...
Heretofore studies of the Bodhisattva doctrine in Buddhism - the basis of Mahayana Buddhism - have concentrated on Sanskrit sources. The distinctiveness of the present volume lies in the variety of languages and cultures in which research has been done. Traditionally, a Bodhisattva has been understood in view of the Buddha's former lives or as a superhuman making his way toward the enlightened state. The eleven studies making up this volume indicate a need to ...
A study of nuns’ ethics is important in itself and is important to Buddhist studies, Asian religions, and Humanities.
Jeffrey Hopkins, University of Virginia.
This study is an investigation of the moral precepts and codes of everyday conduct by which ordained women regulated their lives. It takes as its basis the Bhiksuni Pratimoksa Sutras of the Dharmagupta School, preserved in Chinese translation, and the Mulasarvastivada School, preserved in Tibetan ...
Protected by the world’s highest mountain ranges, Tibetan medicine has preserved an unbroken tradition since it s introduction from India in the seventh century. The Venerable Rechung Rinpoche has here provided translations of the most important Tibetan medical texts, including indexes of plants, other medical texts and persons, and a brief history of Tibetan medicine, supplemented by a bibliography of western works on the subject. A major part of the ...
In this book, the authors explore and reconsider the contemporary significance of the Christ and the Bodhisattva. The volume includes essays by three eminent Christian theologians, Langdon Gilkey, Brother David Steindl – Rast, and Ann Belford Ulanov, that explore the significance of the Christ from the perspectives of the Roman Catholic contemplative tradition, modern depth psychology, and liberal Protestantism. Drawing on information previously unavailable ...
The present book is an extensive and systematic study of various philosophical systems. These are Zen, Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism; the book elaborates the following points, (1) Zen is mysticism. It has all the characterstics of mysticism. Zen is not, God mysticism but it is mysticism of soul. A Mystic turns inwards in search of reality and he analyzes his soul or self which he finds to be a non-self which is true self. So Zen can be appropriately be described as ...