Supriya Books

Showing all 17 books
Marginalization of Tribal groups in the state of Tripura has become one of the important issues which needs academic exploration to understand the ground realities keeping in mind the national scenario. The present volume contains a collection of original research papers contributed by various people ranging from research scholars to academicians, law practitioners etc. investigating, examining and analysing the historical, political, economical, educational ...
The book Gender Analysis in Agriculture : Grassroot Realities is a compilation of research studies covering a wide gamut of gender analysis and gender roles in agriculture viz. access and control of farm resources, gender roles, employment of women, ownership of resources, wage differentials, agrarian crisis and management, multiple work load and occupational health hazards, etc. along with in depth analysis of inter-gender relationships and interventions.
The ...
The present volume is a collection of papers selected from those presented at the UGC sponsored two day National Seminar held at Ramthakur College, Agartala on Indian women Novelists in English.
The nineteen essays included in this anthology cover a wide spectrum of Indian women writers writing in English comprising of Krupabai Sathianadhan Kamala Markandaya Anita Desai, Nayantara Sahgal Shashi Deshpande Bharati Mukherjee Kiran Desai Arundhati Roy Jhumpa Lahiri ...