Sura Books (Pvt) Ltd.

49 books
The Yoga Vasishta of Valmiki is a monumental spiritual work containing the teaching of Vasishta to Rama. For countless it has inspired and guided the spiritual seekers. Academic scholars have long neglected the work for no right reasons and a proper study of it is sure to re-orient the attitude of the intellectuals to the non-dual reality and the world-process and convince them that the final Advaitic Teaching is not that the world is an illusion but it is ...
The main objective of present encyclopaedic dictionary is to provide the information of communication, library and information science technical terms in Hindi to the students, scholars, librarians and teachers of library and information science and the people of similar professions.The present encyclopaedic dictionary incorporates the terms of library science, information science, computer technology, communication technology, management etc. The work is thus ...
It is published to help you carry easily wherever you go.
Important feature of the book is that copious examples are provided to clarify the meanings of words.
This dictionary in an easily readable form rather than as a scholarly research work.
A constructive helper to a better usage of language.
A very crispy guide to follow dictionary and its other uses.
It has a two-in-one usage along with some basic grammar and other interesting items.
The only dictionary of this kind to have both English and Tamil pronunciations with clear notations.
A helping hand to use the dictionary in the proper manner.