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North Eastern India is botanically a very interesting region due to its comparatively less disturbed vegetation. The largest plain land in northeastern India is the Brahmaputra valley. This plain land is of significance not only for agriculture and industry of this region but also for the rich vegetation preserved in many sanctuaries. No detailed account of the flora and vegetation of these sanctuaries is available. Some floristic work for the whole of Assam in ...
The book deals with a detailed account of plants and animals used by the Negrito and Mongoloid tribals of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in their routine life for food, shelter, dugout canoe making, toboos, rituals and medicines. The general features of the islands (climate, natural ecosystems and the people-both the settlers and the aborigines) have been given. The book also traces the history of origin and affinities of the aborigines, their language, physical ...
Proceedings of National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Approach on Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development from 9th to 11th September 1995. It contains invaluable articles universities and throws light on recent pragmatic techniques for generating resources and their sustainable development in the Himalayas.
Wood is a common place product. Though it is renewable resource, yet the uses being many, the requirement is enormous and is ever increasing. The generation, absorption and innovation in wood production and utilization technology to achieve perpetual returns in short rotation is much needed. Among fast growing multipurpose wood species Eucalyptus species have gained importance over the others for their high adaptibility, coppicing behaviour, etc. and wide range ...
This book contains the vital information in a systematic sequence on morphological and silvicultural characters, seed germination, regeneration, economic importance, yield potential and pests and diseases. A general brief on the nursery techniques has been added to supplement information for raising seedlings.