Swastik Publishers & Distributors

50 books
It is significant to note that amidst numerous branches and subfields, broadly economics is classified into two mainbranches, namely--microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of how the individual modern household and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources. Typically, it applies to markets where goods or services are being bought and sold.
On the other hand, macroeconomics involves the sum ...
Basically, economic ideologies are basic human traits. These were present in primitive economies in some crude form. With the growth and development these also gradually developed and took shape according to contemporary circumstances.
In this book we have focused on essentials of economic philosophy and thought. As suggested by the name of title, this book encompasses vital information on the theme. Students, researchers and teachers in the field will find this ...
This book is meant to serve as a chapter in the history of the American imagination. Consequently it undertakes to do more than to recount and criticize the work of eminent novelists, or of novelists whether eminent or mediocre; so far as space permits, it is a record of the national imagination as exhibited in the progress of native fiction. In Fenimore Cooper’s generation the expanding mood of the new republic, heretofore represented in almost no fiction ...
As the name of the title suggests, we have presented here an account of making of history. How this discipline came into being. After a brief account of history, its salient features, timeline and major fields of study etc., we have given the description of founding fathers and modern historians from the west and east both. Our selection of leading historians is random representing different phases of history.Definitely, this endeavour will prove of utmost use to ...
This textbook is intended to be an introduction to industrial biochemistry. In writing it, the author has drawn on his experience teaching industrial biochemistry and other aspects of applied science to undergraduates and masters students on range of industrial biochemistry. Applied biology, microbiology, biotechnology, food science and chemical engineering courses. It is assured that the reader will have an elementary knowledge of biochemistry. ...
The presented book has been brought into being in new of existing and changing situation in rural area. For last few years government has taken various steps to ensure a remarkable change in the life of the people who are living in rural areas for specially providing employment to every hand and food to every belly with hundred days rojgar guarantee programme. The book find its an elaborate explanation of vital chapters in incorporating state wise growth rates of ...