Tata Energy Research Institute

Showing all 11 books
Even as certain sectors of its economy are modernizing and successfully competing in the global market, India is challenged by poverty, energy scarcity, and environmental degradation. Japan, on the other hand, has incorporated social sensitivity into its business and technological competence, thus effectively addressing concerns such as poverty alleviation and social justice. This interface of energy, environment, and poverty, if approached through visionary ...
The developing world's sole forum on global sustainability issues, the annual DSDS (Delhi Sustainable Development Summit), assembles the world’s most astute thinkers to discuss issues pertinent to global sustainable development. DSDS 2002 (8-11 February 2002) holds enhanced relevance, as it was perhaps the most significant related event organized outside official preparations for the WSSD (Word Summit on Sustainable Development). It focused ...
Reforms in infrastructure sectors would not only imply regulatory reforms, but would require developing market structure for introduction of competition, allowing more players other than public-owned entities, and undertaking financial sector reforms. In developing competitive markets for infrastructure services, hitherto believed and reasoned to be in the exclusive domain of natural monopolies, urgent action on all these fronts can ensure effectiveness of ...
Everyone discusses weather. 'What a glorious day or It's so cold my fingers are falling off'. That these weather variations culminate in longer-term climate change is not a conversation opener until something drastic happens, like raging storms or scorching summers. Climate change has always occurred naturally but at a pace to which the earth has adapted well. Now, due to human activities like energy utilization and waste disposal, the earth is ...
Biogas is an environment friendly and economically viable source of energy in the rural areas. Biogas technology has been disseminated in India through the National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD), Government of India. As of now, over 2.5 million biogas plants have been installed in the country. Action for Food Production (AFPRO), a non-governmental organization (NGO), has played a leading role in the field-level implementation of NPBD on a large scale, ...
While India has a long tradition of natural resource management, over the last two centuries, user-community involvement in forest management has ranged from total absence to marginal involvement, with devastating effects on the status and growth of forests. Among the many independent and isolated attempts that were made by forest departments in different states for eliciting community participation during the 1980s and 1990s, the Jhabua experiment in the state ...
"This book is an assessment of the state of knowledge, contemporary situation, and status of scientific data that links domestic environmental paremeters to the health of women and children. It aims to identify critical knowledge gaps and needed research. Policy options, guidelines, possible interventions, and regulatory tools to improve women and child health have been provided. Housing, fuel shortage and indoor pollution, water supply and sanitation, and ...
The Conference on Sustainable Energy Development in India: EU-India Partnership for Technology Cooperation, organized in Brussels with support from the European Commission, on 26 October 1998, represents an attempt to establish and build partnerships between Indian organizations and their counterparts in Europe. The objective of this exercise is to explore, identify, and establish win-win opportunities whereby technological upgradation in India can lead to the ...