The Divine Life Society
105 books
The language of the intuitive mystic has always been aphoristic. The flashes of intuition revealing the Truth that the mystic experiences have always been conveyed to mankind in sparkling words of wisdom. These words possess a living force that transforms everything it touches. Such has been the style of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Quite a number of his books are aphorisms; and these aphorisms have deeply embedded themselves in the hearts of millions of ...
From the divine pen of H. H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has emanated a ceaseless stream of soul-elevating spiritual literature; his Holiness's message has penetrated every part of world.
Swami Sivanandaji Religion of the Heart which he has significantly termed' 'Divine life' is not the cave dwellers concern for the monopoly of the monks. It is for all. In the plainest language Swamiji tells each one of us how to translate our daily life into Divine Life and ...
Only one who has found peace within himself can possibly be trusted to lead mankind to peace! The restless social and political leaders of the world, hankering after power, position, prestige, name and fame, how can they show the way to peace unless they themselves sit at the divine feet of a Man-of-God and imbibe the Peace that flows from his Presence?
Sage Sivananda is full of compassion and does not wait to be approached, to give our leaders initiation into ...
From the divine pen of H.H. Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has emanated a ceaseless stream of soulelevating spiritual literature; and it would be quite true to say that today His Holiness's message has penetrated every part of the world and has won for the forces of God and goodness millions of hearts into which Sri Swamiji has instilled a natural love of fellowmen and a keen aspiration to realize the goal of life.
Besides being the author of over 300 books, and ...
In this book the many faceted person ality of Swami Sivananda is depicted through examples and stories as told by his close disciples as well as from his letters and official accounts in The Divine Life Magazine. They relate the Story of a very great human being in a most effective manner. All the complexities of a sage of infinite wisdom, compassion and love are explored. His unparalleled selfless service of humanity (first as a medical doctor and later as a ...
The present volume contains the Text, Translation, important . Notes and exhaustive Commentary on Nine Principal Upanishads. Originally, these Principal Texts appeared in two volumes in earlier editions, and sometime after the publication of the same, these works of His Holiness Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj went out of print for many years. For some reason or other, the reprinting of these famous Scriptures with the Commentary of His Holiness could not become ...
This lecture series entitled the heritage of Indian culture was given by Swami Krishnananda during the course of eight Sunday evening satsangs in 1980. Here Swamiji highlights the vision of India which sees the totality of the various manifestations of life and visualizes the one in the many and how this has relevance of culture and civilization the role that philosophy religion and scripture have played and why Indian culture has remained so rich and vital ...
With great delight we place before the aspirant-world, the present work 'Adhyatma Yoga' by Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj, the world renowned sage, who needs no introduction. This work contains over four hundred highly illuminating and inspiring poems on a variety of subjects connected with religion, philosophy, etc.., and will serve as a happy companion to the author's other poem-books published already, viz. 'Wisdom Sparks', 'Waves of Bliss'. 'Jnana Jyoti', and ...
Dealing with a wide range of subjects on the natural way of living and treatment of diseases, the most striking feature of the present work is that it is completely free from any bias or prejudice against other systems of medicine. On the other hand, its approach is synthetic, which lays great emphasis on the practical way of treating diseases-mainly through observing the natural rules of living, improving the general standard of health and harnessing the forces ...
Drawing largely upon his long-practised experience as an eminent and first-rate physician who combined I himself the skill of a famous doctor and the intelligence of an equally famous scholar, Swami Sivananda, the towering sage of the Himalayas, presented to the world most popular works on themes of health hygiene, medicine, under such titles as Health and Long Life, Family Doctor Health and Happiness, Bazzar Drugs, Health and Hygiene, care of the eyes, a Boon to ...
We are happy to present to the readers the present edition of the book " Health and Happiness", a work on health by Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. This book gives a detailed and comprehensive idea about the fundamental laws of health and hygiene. It provides the key to real happiness, which can be achieved only through radiant health of body, mind and soul. The book has been divided into ten chapters. Nature's aid to health dietetic principles a ...
Validates the title by incomparabely presenting the quintessence of the great epic. A pithy summation in Swamiji's inimitable style.
The life of man in this sense-universe is a life of temptation. Man is born for Self-realisation. He is born for leading a religious life. But he is led astray by the temptations of his environments. He is spoiled by society. He has not got the strength of will to resist the temptations. Life is a great battlefield. Life is a conquest. To live is to fight for the ideal and the goal. Life is a series of awakenings. You must conquer your mind and the senses. These ...
How rare it is to find a teacher of supreme truth whose knowledge is without equal, whose ability to teach is unparalleled and whose primary concern is to render the utmost benefit to the students seated before him. Such a one was Sri Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj. Not only was he a master of yoga, Vedanta, the philosophy of both the East and West, he was also a saint and sage of great attainment. He was not someone who merely lectured from book knowledge; when he ...
Practice of Brahmacharya is not only the foundation of spiritual evolution, and Yogic advancements, but also it is the basis of material as well as psychic achievements, a sine qua non, for all progress - social, political, economical, physical, mental and spiritual. Because the wastage of vital energy under the impulse of lust is the source of all morbid conditions of mind and body. Lust curdles into anger, anger into infatuation and loss of ethical and ...