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War is an ancient-and primitive-way of dealing with conflict. Why can't we find a better way? What are the root causes of violence? Is it possible to build a truly lasting peace? If so, where do we begin?
The world's spiritual traditions teach us that change in society begins at the individual level. Drawing on the philosophy of Yoga and other spiritual systems; Why We Fight: Practices for Lasting Peace offers practical tools for self-transformation. Through ...
Have you noticed that colorful depictions of Indian gods and goddesses have made their way into the Western yoga scene, but are unsure how they can be useful in your personal practice? This book by a long-time yoga practitioner and scholar of religion provides an answer. It shows you how to use the physical postures of yoga along with deeply symbolic imagery for reflection, self-examination, and healing.
When I was young, my teacher told stories about Shiva and ...
Mention the word 'Yoga' and most Americans imagine a little young woman leaning so far backward that she can touch the floor behind her with her fingertips." Thus begins Linda Johnsen's introduction to this engaging and often profound book. Unsurprisingly, she goes on to explain that yoga is far, far more than the hatha postures seen by the casual observer. Yoga is a way of life, and its lessons are seemingly without number.
Spirit on the Move is a ...
The Tripura Rahasya is one of the most wonderful and practical of all scriptures and is very helpful to those on the path of self-realization. I am certain that those aspirants, who study this scripture in its present translation with full faith and a tranquil mind, will have a new vision and will become aware of completely new dimension of life.
In this practical guide to inner life, Swami Rama-one of the most advanced yoga masters to visit the West-teaches us how to slip beyond the mental turbulence of our ordinary thought processes into an infinite reservoir of consciousness from which we can draw guidance, creative power, joy, and tranquility. The Programe for progress in Meditation outlined here opens the door to internal resources we have alwayshad at our disposal, but have not been able to access. ...
"At the core of Tantra lies the idea of divine power (sakti), which manifests in various ways, including the mysterious Kundalini-sakti. This monograph is a thorough and much-needed analysis of the concept of "divine power" on the basis of Laksmidhara's sophisticated Sanskrit commentary on the Saundarya-Labari, a key scripture of the great Srividya tradition. Pandit Rajmani brings to this task a penetrating intelligence, embracing scholarship, and ...