25 books
I am neither a savior nor a prophet. I am simply a man amongst you. I am not talking to you from a high peak, from the point of view that I know and you don't know. I am talking to you man to man. All that I am saying to you is that there was a time when I was asleep just as you are asleep, and there is nothing wrong in it. It is perfectly okay with existence- you can sleep for eternity; but it is not good for you.
What you are seeing in your sleep is only ...
Before coming to Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Juliet Forman was involved in traditional Psychiatry and the Humanistic Growth Movement. Because of her training, she was led to the home of Anna Freud they youngest daughter of Sigmund Freud and attended her as nurse during her last days. From this background, one that intimately connected her with an important figure of the Psychoanalytic Movement, the author was to find herself drawn to India and to Bhagwan, and ...
This book begins with the question: Could you please explain the work of a mystery school? And Osho answers: My beloved ones…and goes on to describe the workings of the timeless mystery schools the world over and the support they give to the seekers of truth. What is mysticism? What is fear? What is freedom? These questions and more are answered with the clarity of an enlightened mystic. From Buddha to Rinzai, from Krishnamurti to Marx, from Gandhi to ...
Rinzai would shout at his disciples to give them a first experience of their centering. You are both a circumference and a center. You live on the circumference; the shout simply pushes you to the center. Once you experience being at the center you suddenly see the whole world changing. Your eyes are no more the same….
These seven points of mind training are the fundamental teaching that Atisha gave to Tibet. They are of immense value. They are the whole of religion condensed. They are like seeds; they contain much, the moment you move into them deeply, when you contemplate and meditate and start experimenting with them, you will be surprised you will be going into the greatest adventure of your life.
Meditation creates a distance, it gives you a perspective. You go beyond the problem. The level of consciousness changes. Through psychoanalysis you remain on the same level. The level never changes; you are adjusted on the same level again. Your awareness, your consciousness, your witnessing capacity, doesn't change. As you move in meditation you go higher and higher. You can look down at your problems. They are now in the valley, and you have come to a hill. ...
Buddha's message is the greatest that has ever been delivered to man. And this sutra is one of the greatest expressions of Buddha. He has talked for forty-two years, and he has said many things, but nothing compared to this. This is unique. You are fortunate that you have been here to listen to it and to meditate upon it. Now be even more fortunate-become it. Osho.
Nansen is a tremendous departure from the past spirituality, accepting secular and sacred as together, one - two aspects of one reality. My love for Nansen is immense because of this understanding that the earth and the sky are not separate - are not separable - and both should be enjoyed. My own understanding is the same. I want the earth and the sky to be together. Only in their togetherness is wholeness; only in their togetherness is a joy, is a fulfillment. ...
Isan was a great master as one can be, but he has left behind him neither great scriptures nor great commentaries. His is a great master, but almost forgotten. Who remembers people who have not created great followings, who have not made organized religions, who have not chosen their successors, who have not made their religion a politics, a power in the material world? Isan did none of that. He simply lived silently. Of course thousands of disciples were ...
Dogen is saying, that forms don't change into other forms. Winter remains winter, summer remains summer, but something inner moves from one climate to another climate which is beyond birth and beyond death, which is beyond life, which simply is. You can give it any shape, any form, but you cannot take away its isness. This isness is the greatest discovery of the East. The West has missed it completely.