The Tamil Arts Academy

Showing all 6 books
The images like Nataraja, Ardhanari, Harihara, and Durga arise from Vedic poems. The Body, as a city or temple where the divine image dwells, is a Vedic image. The temple sculptures, and iconographic program played a significant role in the Saiva Siddhanta symbolism. The four armed bronze image of Nataraja in Tamilnadu was the most successful creation of Indian art and with this Indian Art reached its aesthetic perfection. The image of Varaha Vishnu at Khajuraho ...
A pathbreaking new approach to the study of Indian Art and religion, this work bases its analysis on two rare Sanskrit texts, Sarva-siddhanta-viveka, (Critical understanding of all religious systems) and Jnana-siddhi (achievement of knowledge), through which the meaning and identification of some of the immortal sculptures of India like Elephanta Trimurti are discussed. After introducing as many as thirty various schools of Saivism and "Sakta-Vama ...
The Volume Sahrdaya, consists of 26 memorable and penetrative, essays on Indian and South East Asian Art and Religion, by eminent Scholors from Austira, Germany, Italy, France, USA, Canada, Korea, Thailand, Combodia and Indonesia besides India, and focuses on some fundamental Religious thoughts and their manifestations in Art. It begins with an admirable study of Sun as Martanda who is identified with supreme Siva in the Advaitic Kashmir Saivism, through the text ...