170 books
This is a book on the history of Bangladesh in five parts covering the period from pre-historic times of Indian civilisation to 1975. In Pundravardan the known history of Bangladesh began about 700 years later. Maurya and Gupta dynasties held their sway here. Raja Shashanka (AD 606-637) and then the Palas of Bengal (750-1155) had a glorious time. The Muslims from the north under the Ghuri, Qutub, Khilji and Tugluq dynasties ruled Bengal from 1204 and then there ...
Importance of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) has been felt more than ever for ensuring sustainability of water resources and environment as well as every individual’s reliable access to enough safe water. In the latest Assessment Report of Working Group II, the IPCC has mentioned that IWRM should be one of the key instrument to explore adaptation measures to climate change, although it is still in its infancy. The book intends to discuss how ...
Bangladesh has been hit for centuries by the Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones. In terms of human casualties, the country is the worst global cyclone victim. Most of the cyclonic havocs are caused by the cyclone generated storm surges. Cyclones cannot be stopped from forming. The only way we are left with is to know how to live with them. In spite of the fact that Bangladesh has developed over the years much better cyclone preparedness programmes, we are still far ...
In his ninth book on Bangladesh’s physical geography and agriculture, the author draws upon his long experience in observing and studying the country’s physical environment, including its climate. Chapters 1 and 2 briefly describe the country’s diverse physiographic regions and its present climate. Chapter 3 then summarises information on the causes of global warming and possible impacts on climate, and draws attention to the serious limitations ...
Birds remain an important part of our lives. Whether we carefully watch them or not, a flash of glittering colours sometimes accompanied by a charming musical note of an unknown bird brightens our day. This book is meant to be on the desks of such people who would cherish a collection of pretty pictures and interesting facts of the birds of Bangladesh. It is not designed to serve the serious birdwatchers, although they may find it interesting to leaf through. The ...
This volume is based on selected papers from two conferences on Bangladesh at Harvard University in 2008 and 2009. It covers a variety of challenging topics, ranging fromlinkages between democracy and security to effects of a given electoral system on political stability, micro-national autonomy for sub-regional peace, terrorism and its counter-forces. It also covers the role of NGOs in development and social change, intra-regional cooperation in conflict ...
This book titled Thy Names on Asmau’l Allah ‘al-Husna’ written by Dr. Abdun Noor is a valuable contribution to help the Muslims who do not read the Arbic language. This book is a treasure to keep them be in constant connection with Allah. By calling upon Him through His perfect names and attributes, will not only help them overcome the hardships of this life on earth but rather will help them to honor and fulfill their original covenant which ...
Feminism in South Asia has expanded beyond the customary debates about the silencing and objectification of women and their confinement to domesticity and the reproductive role.The stories in this anthology situate gender in relation to a host of contemporary issues, such as caste, class, community, creativity, work, globalisation, environment, technology, nation, politics and the body.This volume contains writing by men and women from different South Asian ...
This collection of essays emphasises on the depth and intricacy of functions and innovative acts inherent in folklore. It focuses on the current trends of folklore scholarship in an attempt to show that human behaviour and cultural expression can be extracted and synthesised from verbal data as well as artifacts that form the folklore culture of a people. With examples from different religious and cultural traditions that involve references to the Ramayana, ...
The role of water in a rice economy such as Bangladesh is of such overwhelming importance that one would be hard-pressed to overemphasize it. In order for there to be effective democratic decision making the people need to be informed. And yet one is struck by the fact that there are no readily available texts on the history or economics of the subject--and the few books that are available are reactions to the water projects that have been proposed or have been ...
The collapse of the weaving industry in eighteenth-century Bengal has been the subject of considerable controversy. While it has been held that the decline was caused by a stagnant system of production, historians have also argued that the problem was a symptom of colonialism, and lay in the fundamental conflict of interests between British investment in the Indian textile industry and the ‘home’ manufacturing groups. The present volume contributes ...
South Asia is undoubtedly a human security deficit region. India too is no exception. This volume is an in depth study on the human security situation in India. Despite some remarkable achievements in the socio-economic, political and scientific fields, India's 1.15 billion people suffer from a deep sense of insecurity, marginalisation, exclusion, shelterlessness and violence. The thrust of the book is on understanding the human security situation and then ...
Since 1971, Pakistan has evolved into a praetorian state plagued by army interventions and corrupt civilian governments. Nevertheless, the tunnel-vision of General Musharraf triggered a political implosion in 2007, and widespread dismay over the assassination of Benazir Bhutto has led Pakistanis to vote overwhelmingly for unfettered civilian rule and the diminishment of religious parties. In contrast, the Bangladesh Army seems intent on returning control to ...
The book provides a legal analysis of the various actions and measures taken by the South Asian countries in the context of fostering cooperation and regional development. With the specific objective of focusing on the institutional aspect of SAARC, the book outlines the developments leading to the establishment of the SAARC framework, and thereafter, the role it played in making international law through such a framework.The book also provides a general ...
"BRAC, arguably the world's largest and most successful NGO, is little known outside Bangladesh where it was established in 1972. Author Ian Smillie predicts, however, that this is bound to change. BRAC's success and the spread of its work in health, education, social enterprise development and microfinance dwarfs any other private, government or non-profit enterprise in its impact on tens of thousands of communities in Asia and Africa.Freedom From ...
The research was based on information obtained from three main sources, i.e., (i) the Qur'an, which is the holy book and the principal source of guideline for a Muslim, (ii) Hadith or the sayings, reported actions and anecdotes relating the words and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, and (iii) the Sira (biography) of the prophet. Most of the earliest biographies, dating back to the second century AH, have now been translated into English and the interpretations of ...
How does a landless labourer become a small farmer or the owner of three rickshaws? How does a young widow educate her sons and find a dowry for her daughter? How does a family with no assets acquire cows and become successful milk sellers? How do households in one of the world's poorest countries move out of poverty? This book probes behind the statistics showing declining poverty in Bangladesh to explore the process of graduation. Using a variety of ...
Purity and Communal Boundaries explores the rich complexities of a central Bangladeshi villages, populated by Muslims, Hindus and Christains. Through a carefully constructed theoretical framework Santi Rozario demonstrates the ways in which class and communal domination reinforce gender inequality. The position of women is analysed in terms of linkages between religious values, sexuality, economics and politics. Rozario also examines the divergence between the ...