Three Essays Collective

55 books
It is a good time to take stock of paths and markers in the cultural battleground of sexualities in India. To note the impossibility of quantifying wins and losses because this war against moral panics cannot be measured by legislative gains. The politics of sexuality in the arts as well as the everyday in india lies, rather, in a fecund grey area that bristles with the sheer audacity of imagined and real pleasures. In some crucial sense, it must always remain ...
Working with Muslims goes down to the ground in eight major states of India and investigates the reality of non-government organizations and their development work, with the largest marginalized minority in the world’s largest democracy.
It asks the simple questions (Who is working with Muslims? On which issues?), and the complex ones (What lens is deployed? How does this work navigate the mine eld of identity?). With intellectual precision, it dissects the ...
Today, 23 percent of the global population is Muslim, but ignorance and misinformation about Islam persist. In this fascinating and useful book, Perry Anderson interviews the noted scholar of Islam Suleiman Mourad about the Quran and the history of the faith.
Mourad elucidates the different stages in Islam’s development: the Quran as scripture and the history of its codification; Muhammad and the significance of his Sunna and Hadith; the Sunni-Shii split ...
An egalitarian ethos has not been a prominent feature of Indian civilization, at least since the decline of Buddhism over a thousand years ago. All people, it is believed, are created unequal, born into a hierarchy of status and dignity, and endowed not with universal but particular rights and duties. This has greatly amplified the unfairness of accidents of birth in shaping one’s lot in life. Despite a long history of resistance, such inequalities have ...
Bernie Sanders’s campaign for the presidency of the United States has galvanized people all over the country, putting economic, racial and social justice into the spotlight and raising hopes that Americans can take their country back from the billionaires and change the course of history.
In this book, Sanders tells the story of a passionate and principled political life. He describes how, after cutting his teeth in the Civil Rights movement, he helped ...
Of Gardens and Graves examines the textures of everyday life in Kashmir after 1990, the years of pervasive militarization of the valley. It combines personal essays with enquiries into the pre- and post-Partition histories and political actions that underlie the present conflict.
The volume also features translations of poems written in Kashmiri in these last twenty-five years of conflict. The author argues that such creative writing is a powerful archive for our ...
Noam Chomsky visited India in 1996 and 2001 and spoke on a wide range of subjects, from democracy and corporate propaganda to the nature of the world order and the role of intellectuals in society. He captivated his audiences with his lucid challenge of dominant political analyses, the engaging style of his talks, and his commitment to social equality as well as individual freedom.
Chomsky’s early insights into the workings of power in the modern world ...
A study of Gangubais life and her music can never be two separate things. She was very much a child of her times even as she stood to alter the course of history. During any narration of her life, she recorded how the momentous happenings in fact a range of them did have a bearing on her; at times they were a part of her unconscious avowal. Past was not something dead and gone, but something that was living and that which continued to live in her as did people ...
This valuable collection of essays by KN Panikkar chronicles contemporary South Asia as it has unfolded in the last three decades. His being a historian of modern India has lent to his analysis of contemporary concerns a unique vantage point not available in most commentaries of contemporary South Asia.
The author focuses on the alliance between the neo-liberal policies and Hindu fundamentalism in India, and the vicissitudes of politics in all of South Asia, ...
The book is a treasure of information and deep insights. It has taught me a lot, particularly on the importantance of philosophy and politics for medicine.
The book is brilliant and wise, full of unexpected insight, and a delight to read!. It is the kind of rare book only a practising scientist with a deep awareness of medicine, therapeutics, politics and societies can with a deep materialist framework is critical for understanding the history of any science, and ...