Uma Publications

Showing all 10 books
The Elements of Vedic Astrology is an excellent and most comprehensive book on the Parashari system of Vedic astrology written in English. Treats astrology in a most organized and scientific manner. Ensures an understanding of elementary astronomy which forms the basis of Vedic astrology. Deals elaborately with the mathematical aspects of astrology for correct casting of horoscopes and calculation of dashas, etc. Two important dasha system, the Vimshottari and ...
The Yogas in Astrology deals primarily with the technique of analysis and interpretation of the various astrological yogas according to the Parashari system. The approach to analysis is based on the standard astrological principles which are so often ignored while dealing with this all-important subject. The role of the houses where the various yogas form, the signs involved, the other planetary influences on the yoga-forming planets, the strength and ...
Varshaphala is a useful adjuvant to the standard Parashari system of chart analysis. It is a technique primarily employed by the Vedic astrologers of north India. Until now A Textbook of Varshaphala by the author has been the standard reference book in English on this subject. Predictive Techniques in Varshaphala is an advancement over the earlier work by the author. The salient features of the present work are: Emphasis on the practical ...
Surya the Sun God is a book that deals with the various aspects of the Sun not confined to astrology and astronomy only. It is an elaborate and multi-dimensional treatment of the Sun. The different aspects of the Sun covered in this book include the following: The identity of the Sun with the Universal Soul, and a link between the macrocosm and the microcosm; A connection between the Sun outside and the Fire element that operates within the individual ...
The Jatakalankara is a concise yet highly authentic classic on Vedic astrology concerned with the study and analysis of the natal chart. Many an astrologer uses it in his practice as a reference book. Its special fetures are as under: A brief introduction to the twelve houses and the planetary interrelationships; Detailed treatment of each of the twelve houses of the horoscope with description of several planetary combinations relevant to each house; ...
The Essentials of Medical Astrology is the standard book on Vedic astrology which lays down detailed principles relevant to the analysis of a horoscopic chart, with disease and its various aspects as the main focus of attention. Some of the prominent features of this work are: Standardisation of approach to analysis of a charg related to disease; Use of four vargas, or divisional charges, and two dashas to ensure an accurate assessement of the charg; ...