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The dominant paradigm of conflict today is based upon a clash of civilizations. These clashes are said to occur along the faultlines between the great civilizations. The world's first such faultline war, says Huntington, was the conflict in Afghanistan. It was the first clash of civilizations between a resurgent Islam and a Soviet Union in historical decline. Historically the "Rentier State" in Afghanistan has lacked an indigenous resource base for ...
We have great pleasure in presenting to the world of scholars the first part of the first volume of the Krsna-Yajurveda—Taittiriya—Samhita (Kanda I Prapathakas 1-4) with critically edited texts of the commentaries of Bhatta- Bhaskara Misra and Sayanacarya thereon.
The project of the present publication was contemplated long long ago in 1944, when the fourth volume of the critically edited text of S2Eyana’s commentary on the Rgveda was in press. ...