Vij Books India

121 books
Though Tibet’s system of governance had serious lacunas, the Land of Snows was free and independent. In October 1950, Mao’s regime decided to ‘liberate’ it. ‘Liberate’ from what, was the question everybody asked.
Though some in Delhi did not realise it, it would soon be a tragedy for India too, as it had to suddenly live with a new neighbor, whose ideology was the opposite of Buddhist values.
The narrative starts soon after ...
It all probably was a tale.
However, serious research does identify some events, from about a thousand years before the Common Era, that qualify as the bases of the epic’s plot. Apparently, collective memory evolved significantly through the centuries before their stories, legends, and allegories took the forms that we know from the epic today.
And yet, even if no set of historical events can be found to correspond with epic episodes, its many stories, ...
Nearly 45 countries are at different stages of developing robotic weapons or lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS). The United States, for example, has recently test launched its robotic vessel Sea Hunter, a self-driving, 132-foot ship designed to travel thousands of miles without a single crew member on board. As reported, the vessel has the capability to detect and destroy stealth diesel-electric submarines and sea mines. However, though the militaries of the ...
This book is a great contribution to Peace Research. It places India in the world as a worthy player in international relations from ancient times. The selection of four of the most significant historical peaks over two millennia, the Ashoka era, the Pala era, the Orientalist era and the Gandhi era shows the uniqueness of India's peaceful history, relevant not only for herself, but for the whole of humankind. To the point that in present times, her engagement is ...
In the annals of Indian Mountaineering Colonel Narinder Kumar, affectionately called ‘Bull’ by his friends due to his physical prowess, has played a highly significant role. Without him the history of Indian mountaineering would have been quite different.
The media have a special relationship with conflict situations, external or internal which has been an integral part of the history of a country as well as the world. Northeast India has been beset with insurgencies for more than half-a-century. The Nagas rebelled in the early 1950s and since then insurgency in some form or the other has spread to all the states of the northeast, popularly known as seven sisters. While insurgency in the northeast India is taking ...
This book is about the individual achievements of a handful of officers of the state and, through their deeds, hardships and sacrifices, an attempt to portray the stirring tale of the rebuilding of the administrative edifice and police system of the state almost from the scratch. Putting the state back on its feet, after the virtual collapse in the early nineties has been no mean feat. It is a saga of blood, sweat and tears; also of constant danger to life and ...
The Chapters in this book written by Chinese and Indian academics and researchers from United Service Institution of India and Sichuan University, explaining the inter-disciplinary approaches and comparative perspectives, that may help to understand the essence and implication of China’s ‘One Belt One Road’, initiative by identifying the convergences of interest in terms of social and economic development, political and cultural exchanges and ...
The maritime domain is increasingly gaining salience and the emerging dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region are highly pronounced. These influence the international security architecture and impact on the regional stability affecting India’s national interests. This book views the evolving strategic dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region from the prism of geopolitics, economics, diplomacy, environment and multilateralism and examines their possible implications ...
During the deep globalization of the 1990s and early 2000s when China adapted well to the global changes by making various structural adjustments, India’s ambivalence to undertake similar revolutionary changes made her to muddle through the forces of globalisation. Now, when new forces of globalisation in the form of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), One Belt One Road, and various economic unions or ...
The China Primer is a compact but comprehensive review of China's history, the cultural traits of that country motivating its domestic and international conduct, its historical experiences of the last two centuries which shape its current worldview, and the policies that form the basis for the progress it has achieved in the last six decades and the problems it faces today.
China has always been probably the most important country in the world for very many ...
India and China, the cultural cousins' of the past were reduced to colonial cousins' during the 19th century by the British colonialists. If the colonial connections strengthened the bonds between the Indian and Chinese people during the 19th century, the same sowed the seeds of conflict during the 20th century. India wished to forge alliance with the nationalist as well as the communist China; however, the colonial legacy denied that alliance with both the ...
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR) can be considered as the most significant strategic outreach by China. It stretches across the large oceanic geography comprising the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean and the North-Western Atlantic. The initiative, founded on historic recall, aims to build a flourishing multi-sectoral maritime economic network across the entire region with land corridors connecting to the terrestrial Silk Road Economic ...
This book should prove to be unique in many ways. Written in two parts, Part I is a comprehensive survey of Canada – its history, geography, the people, the political and economic aspects, arts and culture including the film industry and a bird’s eye view of the entire country, including possibly for the first time, of Canada North, the vast area covering the Arctic region of the country.
Having served as India’s High Commissioner to Canada ...
The book delves into aspects related to China’s peacekeeping diplomacy with specific reference to its peacekeeping overtures in Africa. It deals with the country’s role in international peacekeeping that expanded under the leadership of the Chinese leader Hu Jintao. It examines the imperative for China to ensure a stable and secure environment in Africa. It discusses China’s considerable stakes in Africa in terms of promoting economic ...