Vinod Book Depot

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Renu Nanda outlines a systematic approach to comprehensive coverage of Non-Formal Education in J&K State with a detailed analysis of the situation in Jammu Division. An effort has been made to elicit the perception of administrators, super-visions, instructors and parents regarding the functioning of Non-Formal Education together with suggestions for remedial measures with a view to striking a comparative balance between the two systems of NFE and formal ...
The present book presents a critical appraisal of the document issued by NCTE entitled "Curriculum Framework for Quality Teacher Education". An attempt has been made to discuss a few important issues of teacher education prevailing in our country. The recommendations envisaged by various commissions and committees have also been given in appendices for the benefit of the readers and researches. These are four chapters in the book alongwith thirteen ...
Beekeeping is a scientific study and for the efficient management of colonies for honey production and pollination, a proper understanding of the behaviour is essential. This book deals with the theoretical and practical approaches in beekeeping. The book contains 20 chapters covering all aspects of beekeeping which include importance and scope, history of beekeeping, systematic position and autonomy, honey bee species, colony organization, beekeeping equipments, ...
The book, Glossary of Forest Ecology is an attempt to give first hand knowledge on the subject of forest ecology to the beginners. The present book has been written in a very simple and lucid language. It has been illustrated with relevant examples, wherever, possible. The terms have been explained fully and at a length. The living entity is the main identity in the science of first ecology.
The book—A Glimpse of Kalachuris of Tripurari is an attempt to throw some light on Kalachuris dynasty, one of the important and famous ancient ruling kingdoms of Indian, based on inscriptions which are in Sanskrit and engraved on the stones, slabs, pillars, wall of the caves, on the copper plates and coins. From the language view point, these inscriptions display the trend of literature. Besides literature, the other aspects dealt in this book ...
The work provides a new understanding and analysis of women’s problems. It also asserts that women’s studies is a critical input to promote better understanding of their contribution to social process with social, technology and environmental changes. The evidence that research had already produced, suggests that a cognitive style approach may be applied with profit to a variety of educational issues. It seems timely to bring the attention of educators the ...
The book is a some what new venture in the field of legal study of the status of women. It discusses on various aspects of the life of women and her legal rights during the different phases such as during unmarried life, married life, being a mother, a widow, a divorced lady and even when she has socially and morally downtrodden status. Indian women belongs to different religions as she is Hindu, Muslim or Christian. In this book efforts have been made to analyse ...
History of Jammu forms an important chapter in the annals of India’s resistance to the stream of invaders ushering out fresh from the Khaiber Pass and Central Asia. As force sentinels on the borders of India, Dogras-the inhabitants of Jammu region were the first to face attack of the Arabs, Ghazanavids, Turks etc.. Earlier, Jammu region was the habitat of primitive man who left behind an evidence of his existence in the form of stone age tools and other ...
The escalating violent conflicts within and among nations of the 'modern' world, the vast stockpiles of nuclear weaponry, the rising environmental pollution, massive resources-depletion and irreversible ecological decay, together with the increasing improverishment and poverty of the masses especially in the so-called Third World which constitues about two thirds of all mankind, and the possibilities of a demographic disaster-all these end-products of the present ...