Vitasta Publishing House

27 books
Kashmir, ancient abode of knowledge and scholarship has a five thousand year old history. This charming landscape has unfortunately been distorted by continuing violence. The book is set in the turbulent nineties of the last century when the situation erupted for the first time. A plethora of characters drawn from its long history weave tapestry of events, the warriors of yesteryears don the robes of renunciation and hermits of bygone days are seen on the ...
The Study in Australia Planner provides useful tips from authentic and official sources that will help you resolve concerns related to admission, visa, and post-landing support. For parents and families, this book addresses the finance-related challenges by answering the question-How to fund education and plan for education loan? Besides, the counsellors, the education agents and related service providers can recommend this book to their students for achieving ...
Jayalalithaa was a superstar in every respect. Jayalalithaa-a Journey is a picture book on her life and times. This book attempts to bring to the reader a whiff of the personality, an understanding of the person she was and the adulation that she garnered. Jayalalithaa was a convent educated polyglot, a beautiful young woman at the height of a successful career as an actor, capable of taking her own political decision. There was, undeniably, more to the woman ...
Narendra Kumar Damodardas Modi’s charisma stems from the fact that no matter how popular he becomes, he remains an enigma. This book is a glimpse of a man through pictures and not too many words. The aim is to portray, not propagate. This book takes the reader on a journey from his humble beginning in a small mofussil village in India to now when the country looks towards him to relieve it from the quagmire that it finds itself in. The reader is invited to ...
Indias Foreign policy has a historial back ground which has not so far been systematically studied. The india National Congress, the main organization that carried the strughle for national freedom, showed interest in question of foreign policy right form its birth in 1885. this interest, at first limited, grew with the broadening of its general political outlook. Gradually, certain principles on foreign policy and certain ways of looking at world affairs ...
This book is an interpretive study of the historical spectrum of India from 10th Century to the present period. This period witnessed rise and collapse of Muslim politico-military powers in India and gradual sprouting of Hindu nationalism and later germination of Muslim nationalism. Hindu aspirations to assert nationalism, cultural and religious identity, and achieve self-rule; and Muslim endeavour to assert separate identity as a distinct linguistic, cultural ...
An accidental in politics, Rajiv Gandhi took the nation by storm with his vision of information technology. He adopted Gandhian swaraj by espousing grass roots democracy.
On the flip side, Rajiv proved a poor judge of the company he kept. His minister VP Singh deserted his on the Bofors kickback issue. A whole lot of other colleagues in his cabinet abandoned him before the 1989 elections. He was also impatient for peace, signing accords in rapid succession with ...
The crisis of river Yamuna is pronounced by a deep sense of loss afflicting the lives of riverfront people who were crucial in shaping the river's many rhythms and cultures. In the present mood of transience and conflict, amidst the emerging riverfront politics, these communities seem to be caught in the eye of the storm. This book makes an effort to encapsulate this present conflict. Deconstructing the nature of claims and stakes that riverine communities ...