Vitasta Publishing Pvt. Ltd.

70 books
How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life is a first-of-its-kind collection of essays by spiritual gurus and thought leaders on the themes of Love, Life, Living, Giving, Forgiveness, Faith, Compassion, Happiness, Bliss, Peace, Positivism, Karma and God and Us. Written in simple, crisp language, the tenor of the essays is positive and uplifting; the spiritual teachings are non-didactic and have been demystified. The book has an abundance of tips on practical ...
A turnaround in the course of Indian history’ is how the 11 March 2017 UP assembly elections are being described. It is believed, the election of a majority BJP government and of a Hindu mathadhikari as the Chief Minister of India’s most populous State is an expression of resurgence of Hinduism, not just a religious awakening. In 21st century India, this is the third such symbolic public demonstration of saffron ascendancy, says author Prafull ...
This book is ON Kashmir and Kashmir ALONE. As the title implies, one lakh Pandit families may have one lakh stories to tell. This book, 22 Years, is the story of one such émigré Kashmiri, Billu, who returns to the beautiful valley of Srinagar after twenty-two years of self-imposed exile. He not only breaks a vow, he falls in love once again with the land of his birth as all his childhood and growing up memories rush back to hug him and tie him to ...
It is not Gandhi but Jinnah who was the Father of modern India. It was Jinnah who, like a pied piper, lured monotheism out of India. His persistent demand for a ‘separate nation’ for Muslims resulted in the migration of millions of Muslims to a new geographical and political reality called Pakistan. Had this not happened, imagine a united Hindustan with 750 million Muslims by 2050, the biggest Islamic country in the world. In that sense Jinnah was the ...
He plays with scissors for the sheer fun of it, and this happiness comes right from the heart. In business for several decades, the three generations of Habibs have been hairstylists for political heavyweights including President Zakir Hussain, President VV Giri, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and APJ Abdul Kalam, even before he became president.
Habib Ahmed’s long list of celebrity clients also included Maharani Gayatri Devi, Sam Maneckshaw, Teji Bachchan ...
Democracy and Good Governance reminds us of the true meaning of good governance and what democracy entails. Subhash Kashyap details practices and protocols followed in the Indian Parliament and the deviations and aberrant behaviours of legislatures, noting what their actual duties are and ought to be. The author also brings out in a series of biographical sketches his encounters with some remarkable parliamentarians during his long tenure in the Parliament ...
Partition, Indo-Pak Relations and Kashmir is a book that says, the only solution to the Kashmir imbroglio can be and has to be peaceful. Looking at the issue in the context of the subcontinent’s partition, it notes how Indo-Pak relations are held hostage to Kashmir and the vice-versa. The book says, in the 21st century, the process of secularisation has remained incomplete in India, Pakistan (and Bangladesh) and fundamentalism and communalism are rampant in ...
Born to Fly is the story of Flying Officer MP Anil Kumar who was a MiG 21 pilot in the Indian Air Force. As a result of a motor-cycle accident in 1988, when he was just 24, he was paralysed from neck-down. The accident reduced him to a near vegetative state, confining him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Battling with negative thoughts of giving up constantly, Anil finally decided to fight destiny as a quadriplegic. He picked up the threads of what ...
India and its unity despite diversity has been an enigma for most, particularly outsiders who try to understand it through the various models of society. Since India's importance has been growing due to its emergence as a major economic power, there is more and more curiosity to know about the complex society and the way the ancient civilisation shaped into a successful democracy without much disturbance. The issue comes down to what makes India tick when the ...
Good governance is the greatest act of patriotism in 21st century India, says Maj Gen Dipak Mukherjee, in his book, Battle for Hearts & Minds from North East to Kashmir and Beyond. Just military intervention cannot compensate for governance deficit, argues Maj Gen Mukherjee, sharing his unique insight into how the Indian Army actually won wars on the ground. When the moral compass was steady, as in Nagaland, in the 1950s and '60s or during the Bangladesh war ...
"When the tsunami hit the Indian coast on a bright Sunday morning on December 26, 2004, it shocked India and the world. It was as if the sea had washed away hubs of human activity in an instant.
In India’s far eastern outpost, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the 9.0 magnitude earthquake under the Indian Ocean killed 10,136 people. The Car Nicobar Islands were among the worst affected.The Indian Air Force lost 116 personnel at its devastated Car ...
In a fit of anger, a man divorces his wife, then wants her back. Why should she have to go through the indignity of sleeping with another man to remarry the first husband? A man can pronounce talaq three times in a breath and get rid of his wife; should a woman have to run from pillar to post and pay a price to end a relationship? Is not Mutah (the word meaning pleasure), a temporary marriage, actually a sanctioned form of prostitution? Not having the right to ...