Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.

105 books
Transforming the lives of marginalized girls in patriarchal societies
Since 2003 a privately funded high school in India has provided desperately needed education for girls from impoverished families in Lucknow, the capital and largest city in Uttar Pradesh. Urvashi Sahni, the founder of Prerna Girls School, has written a compelling narrative of how this modest school in north India has changed the lives of more than 5,000 girls and their families. Most ...
21st Century Quranic Studies in English: A Bibliography - lists the latest works on Quranic studies. It includes bibliographical details of the works related to the Quran in English - translations (45), books (400), journal articles/book chapters (1200) and book - reviews (200) in addition to unpublished theses/dissertations (100). This bibliography is indispensable for the students of Quranic studies.
Eminent scholars from the USA, UK, Iran, Saudi Arabia and India have contributed 21 articles to this volume, covering the domains of language and literature, Islam and the Quran, Literary Orientalism, and the higher education scenario in India. These areas of studies have been of interest to Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, whose 60th birthday this commemorative volume marks.
This volume will be read with much profit by ...
God’s Word, Man’s Interpretations: A Critical Study of the 21st Century English Translations of the Quran evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of 30 English translations of the Quran which have come out recently, between 2000 and 2017. This assessment of the Quranic scholarship adumbrates several issues: translatability of the Word of God, translators’ ideological presuppositions and intrusions, the need and relevance of the English ...
This Book is a humble effort to provide a holistic and comprehensive coverage of topics and aspects involved in Indian Polity through the Multiple Choice format. The journey to a comprehensive understanding of Indian Polity begins from the Constitution of India and widens to encompass the role and functioning of various institutions and entities associated with the framework of Indian Polity. A one-stop solution for Indian Polity with latest information and ...
The Mould: Values and Self-Efficacy of Teachers is a comprehensive study on values, the need for value education and teacher values in terms of value preferences. It provides a thorough review of related research on value education and self-efficacy and establishes a correlation between them. It highlights the need for self-efficacy in every individual who wants to lead a fulfilling life with optimism and a sense of purpose. The book uses a survey method and ...
Minority discourses provide differential, conceptual and theoretical frameworks for questions of identity based on gender, caste, race, class and ethnicity, as well as political and linguistic factors. They underline social and cultural pluralism in contemporary liberal democratic societies which often homogenize citizenship while simultaneously upholding discursive master-narratives that privilege domination and subordination by majority groups. Modern secular ...
This comprehensive text written for M.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry), M.Phil. (Physics) and B.Sc. (Hons) students aims at presenting the fundamentals of statistical mechanics in a clear and concise manner.
In fourteen chapters, the book deals with all aspects of statistical mechanics: Thermodynamics, Microcanonical Ensemble, Canonical Ensemble, Grand Canonical Ensemble, MB Distribution, FD Distribution, BE Distribution for an ideal gas. The text also delves into ...
After 20 years of insurgency, Kashmir continues to be a major flashpoint and decisive factor in destabilizing regional relations. Resolving the dispute over the state of Jammu and Kashmir is crucial to achieving peace and stability, without which the US Af-Pak strategy is unlikely to succeed With international eyes focused on South Asia, understanding what is at stake in Kashmir has never been more important. For decades, the dispute over the valley of Kashmir, ...
After grappling for two decades with the realities of the post- Cold War era, the UN Security Council must now meet the challenges of a resurgence of great power rivalry. Reflecting this new environment, The UN Security Council in the 21st Century provides a comprehensive view of the council’s internal dynamics, its role and relevance in world politics, and its performance in addressing today’s major security challenges.
In countries as diverse as Brazil, Ecuador, France, Russia, South Africa, and the United States, presidents have come to dominate the politics and political cultures of their nations. Michael Mezey offers a comprehensive cross-national study of the presidency, tracing the historical and intellectual roots of executive power and exploring in detail the contemporary forces that have driven a turn toward “presidentialism.
Contents: Preface. 1. An Introduction ...
Research Methods in Social Science is an essential companion for all undergraduate and postgraduate students embarking on a methods course or social research project. The second edition features two new chapters as annexures: one for students of history, the other for students of biological sciences. The first chapter now includes an introduction to a very brief history of the development of modern science, including social science. This book gives a cogent ...
Foundations of Algorithms, Fifth Edition offers a well-balanced presentation of algorithm design, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity. Ideal for any computer science student with a background in college algebra and discrete structures, the text presents mathematical concepts using standard English and simple notation to maximize accessibility and user-friendliness. Concrete examples, appendices reviewing essential mathematical ...
Almost from the moment, some five centuries ago, that their religion was founded in the Punjab by Guru Nanak, Sikhs have enjoyed a distinctive identity. This sense of difference, forged during Sikhism's fierce struggles with the Mughal Empire, is still symbolised by the "Five Ks" ("panj kakar," in Punjabi), those articles of faith to which all baptised Sikhs subscribe: uncut hair bound in a turban; comb; special undergarment; iron bracelet and ...
The book is specially designed for B.E./B. Tech. students of all branches of engineering and technology. Efforts have been made to explain the fundamental concepts in a simple and comprehensive manner so that B.Sc. Pass and Honours students can use this book as a reference. The unique strength of this book is the mathematical and scientific approach. Multiple-choice questions, short- and long-answer type questions, and numerical problems are provided in Appendix ...
Journey to the summit of Mount Everest.