Vohra Publishers & Distributors

Showing all 17 books
The book presents an authoritative study of Buddhism: its history, culture, philosophy, art and architecture with reference to Orissa. It explores spread of Buddhism, relations between Kalinga and Sri Lanka, tantrayana in Orissa, Taranatha’s account of Buddhism in the region in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, Buddhist monasteries and other architectural remains in Orissa, and Buddhist goddesses in the art tradition of the region. It views the ...
This set includes 3 titles: Selected Jataka Tales, Mahabharata, and Stories from Panchatantra. Between their covers, this set includes 32 stories set in bold type for easy reading. SELECTED JATAKA TALES: This book contains 8 short stories. MAHABHARATA: This book contains 13 short stories: STORIES FROM PANCHATANTRA: This book contains 11 short stories.
Teaching is an important process of communication for both teacher and taught. This process is needed to know each other well. Without the mutual understanding the bipolar process of teaching cannot be effective. It is, therefore essential that a teacher should know thoroughly his students, their needs, motives and their development. Without this knowledge, a teacher cannot modify the cognitive, conative and affective behaviour patterns of his students. He cannot ...
History of Indian Education is a complete text book for the teachers, teacher-trainers and teacher trainees to know about the philosophy of life and characteristics of education during ancient, Vedic, Buddhist, Muslim and English period. The present book is designed to highlight all the important steps and major happenings of educational progress during various phases. The roots of present day educational system are deeply embedded in the past. The future of it, ...
Methodology of Educational Research is a complete text-cum-reference book, it is designed to highlight the important steps needed for educational research. Wherever possible simple examples illustrating the principles have also been given. It is intended to develop an ever curious problem solving mind in the ranks of educational researchers who although of more than average mental ability and administrative training, often lack first hand knowledge of fundamental ...
TALES FROM DADI MAA: This book contains 25 children stories from Dadi Maa. AKBAR BIRBAL: This book has 16 Akbar Birbal's Story.
This set includes two titles: Vikram-Betal and More Vikram-Betal. Between them, these carry 30 interesting stories set in bold type for easy reading.
The present work is a pioneering attempt to survey the economic life in ancient India right from Palaeolithic to the age of Harsha. It critically discusses the available data on stone age economics. Much new evidence has been collected and critically assessed for reconstruction of economic conditions in Rigvediac and later Vedic periods. After an interesting discussion of economic conditions in the age of the Buddha, the author makes a penetrative survey of the ...
Educational administration is a complete text-cum-reference book for teachers, teacher-trainers and teacher-trainees of all pedagogical institutes and departments of different universities. The present book is designed to highlight the important aspects of administration in school, colleges and other research institutions. Educational administration is a fast growing discipline and presently being taught in a number of universities in the country at graduation ...