Voice of India

39 books
There are two opposing views about language, both advanced by distinguished thinkers. One view holds that a language is external to objects and thoughts; the otherview regards it as fundamental to them. In what sense or senses are these views true? Can they be reconciled?
Language has not merely expressed man's fears; it has also expressed his sense of mystery. Again and again, man has sung of Gods and Divine Life and his idea of the Good and the Beautiful in ...
My own approach on this matter had been entirely through a scholarly debate. This takes a lot more hard work, rigor, and creativity. Undoubtedly, Doniger and her followers had retreated as a result of my challenges. But now she has made a comeback, ironically using the withdrawal of her book, to position herself as a victim. This compilation opens with an interview of me conducted by another independent scholar who resides in the United States and who has ...
As its very name describes, this volume is a rejoinder to Pope John Paul’s recent book crossing the Threshold of Hope. While repeating old claims for the Church and its dogmas, his book notices non-Christian religions without the customary derogatory epithets. It is a new thing in Christianity. In the past, “other” religions were simply handiwork of the devil, and it was the special duty of the Church to overthrow them. The old aim still remains ...
Ishwar Sharan is the pen name of Canadian author Swami Devananda Saraswati, a Smarta Dasanani sannyasi who took his Vedic initiation from a renowned mahamandaleswar at Prayag in 1977. His purvasrama family were middle class professionals and God-fearing Protestant Christians. He did not complete high school and is self-educated through reading books on all subjects, with a special interest in religion and history. He has travelled extensively in Canada, USA, ...
This book presents a dynamic view of this venerable tradition as a religion, spiritual culture, art, science and way of life that is vital and crucial for everyone living on the planet today. It covers a wide range of issues in religion, spirituality and culture emphasizing the role of Hindu Sanatana Dharma as a global force for change and higher consciousness.
V. 1. A preliminary Survey.
V. 2. The Islamic Evidence.
An analysis of Ram Gopal Misra's Indian resistance to early Muslim invaders, up to 1206 A.D.
This is the English translation of a Farsi work Tohfatu'l-Ahbab, the biography of Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad Araki, an Iranian Shi`a Muslim missionary of Nurbakhshiyyeh order who is reported to have visited Kashmir for the first time in A.H. 882/A.D. 1478. It has two broad divisions: the first one gives us a vivid description of the serious professional study of Islamic theology and tradition, rigorous penance after Sufi practices and nerve-breaking traning ...
What remains of Nathuram Godse is the statement he gave in his own defence during the trial, on 8 November 1948. After the statement was read in court, its publication was prohibited. However, after the release of Godse’s accomplices from prison in the 1960s, translations in Indian languages started appearing, and in 1977, Nathuram’s brother Gopal published the English original under the cautious title May it Please your Honour. A new edition, with a long ...
The present book is my last contribution to the literature on what is known in India as "communalism", meaning the conflict between the different religions, principally Hinduism and Islam. My first book in this sphere of interest was Ram Janmabhoomi vs Babri Masjid: A Case Study in Hindu-Muslim Conflict (1990). It served a good purpose, viz. to break the false impression that the world of scholarship including Western Indologists was united in ...
Jihad is one of the basic doctrines of Islam, but the average Indian's knowledge of it is both superficial and unsatisfactory. This book is primarily a search for this meaning, and in this search our only guides are the Koran, the Hadis and the Shariat. Hindus usually render the terms as dharmayddha, but this rendering is totally misleading . Dharmayuddha means 'war fought according to rules laid down in the Dharamashastras' such as: not attacking a person who ...
This work, from a non-Muslim perspective, is based on Sahih Muslim, which has the advantage of being available in an English translation. The subjects that the Hadis treat are multiple and diverse. It gives the Prophet's view of Allah, of the here and the hereafter of hell and heaven, of the Last Day of Judgment, or iman (faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (poor tax), Sawm (fast), and hajj (Pilgrimage), popularly known as religious subjects; but it also includes his ...
Ram Swarup has thoroughly and critically studied religions of the world. He can speak of these systems with an in-depth knowledge and ability to quote and mirror what they really think. And he has left an important legacy of many works on a broad range of topics including religion and philosophy, yoga, mysticism, and social issues. His Hindu View of Christianity and Islam is a classic in the field of comparative religion, for the first time perhaps introducing a ...
One of the rare matters on which all known religions seem to agree, is the condemnation of calumny as an extremely grave evil. Calumny carries little risk to the perpetrator but can inflict enormous damage on the targeted individual or group, not through the calumniator's own hands but through those of all who lend credence to his words. It is both cowardly and destructive. In today's opinion climate, no calumny is worse than the allegation that someone is a ...
Hinduism and the Clash of Civilizations continues the line of thought introduced in my earlier books. Arise Arjuna: Hinduism and the Modern World (1995) articulated the need for Hindus to stand up and project their tradition in order to face the current cultural and religious challenges assaulting them on every side. My subsequent book, Awaken Bharata: A Call for India’s Rebirth (1998), emphasized the need for a new intelligentsia, an ‘intellectual ...