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“Geological and Mining Reports of Underground Metal Mining” in Volume I and Volume II is a compilation of reports by different firms and organizations, currently dealing with different aspects of underground mine engineering. The reports are chosen on the basis of best practices in different fields of underground mining engineering. The reports also lay focus on the current research and development in the areas of underground mining engineering, ...
“Geological and Mining Reports of Underground Metal Mining” in Volume I and Volume II is a compilation of reports by different firms and organizations, currently dealing with different aspects of underground mine engineering. The reports are chosen on the basis of best practices in different fields of underground mining engineering. The reports also lay focus on the current research and development in the areas of underground mining engineering, ...
Safety ,occupational health and disaster management together are for the first time brought in a format where they provide guidelines for the design, engineering and management for the major industries like oil and gas, steel, cement, aluminum, coal and nuclear power ,construction ,mining and metallurgical plants. As the integration in engineering and management of different core industries is taking place, as part of industrial evolution, it is now important to ...
Rehabilitation and resettlement of displaced people during and after the construction of a project is an evolving subject of management, policy studies and social science and the implementation part is still an art, needing perfection .Before approaching a community likely to be affected by such activities, it is important to know how they have been faring economically, what are their livelihood dynamics, where lie their insecurity, mistrust, fear, neglect ...
Land acquisition management and corporate social responsibility aspects are assuming increasing importance in the clearance and subsequent project success. In a multi-racial and multi-caste society, understanding of community sensitivity to land and the local culture as well as the community expectations and requirement for development is often complex .It is essentially a continuous learning process requiring timely calibration of effectiveness of the schemes, ...
Bulk material handling comprises of 50-70% of the work in many industrial processes. Yet, there is, arguably not a single book that discusses the different aspects of such engineering in an integrated fashion, useful for designers ,selectors and users. Put simply, this is probably the first book in so many years to discuss the recent developments and new research in the fields of bulk material handling comprehensively in dedicated chapters. The clues to ...
Land acquisition for industry and infrastructure are throwing up new challenges in all cases. While there are several protests and conflicts related to land acquisition and displacement among the influenced community, there are disappointments, exasperations and desperation among the project developers. The governments are usually caught in political, bureaucratic and legal wrangling. Suspicion, apprehensions, fear and hopelessness prevail among community who are ...
At this point of time there are about Rs.50,000 crores (or more than 11 billions of dollar ) worth of proposed industrial projects are held up in the quagmire of legality, regulatory bindings, community demands, and political machinations, etc. There are many grey areas where management skill, stewardship, innovation, sense and sensibility can pull one project ahead of the other. Environmental and community concerns are foremost in the considerations of project ...
A book to appreciate the forms of mineral, metal, oil and gas trade is a long due. At a time when there is a scramble for the non-renewable resources among the countries and the industries across the world, a book for a sound understanding of the subject needs little emphasis. Moreover, in the areas of business studies the importance of such trade is only beginning to be felt. This book is a modern treatise on the subject of trade and market of minerals, metals, ...
Minerals Industry that include minerals and oil and gas, in its value added in upstream as well as in Infrastructure and constructions contribute to the range of 10-16 % of any country’s annual Gross Domestic Products (GDP). The sector has been under increased focus due to heavy investment possibilities and resulting employment generation that are quite resilient to downturns, industrial cycles and recession. At the same time this industry, in its huge ...
The minerals industry, which includes minerals, metals, oil and gas, in its value added in upstreams as well as in infrastructure and construction, contributes to the range of 10-16% of any country’s annual Gross Domestic Products (GDP). The sector has been under increased focus due to heavy investment possibilities and resulting employment generation that are quite resilient to downturns, industrial cycles and recession. At the same time this industry, in ...