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The alpine meadows are often viewed as important grazing resources by local and migratory pastoral communities. The wealth of herbal medicines found in these zones and current level of pressure are well known. There are clear indications that many medicinal herbs have become rare and others are at the verge of extinction due to over exploitation and habitat degratation. Strangely, neither conservationists are unanimous about the desired action in these areas nor ...
"This book explains in detail the censusing, feeding, nutrition, diseases and elective breeding of pheasants. The authors have taken special care to explain why a particular practice has been recommended so that even a beginner can follow the process. The book explains the importance of good and wholesome feed and how to prepare it from the various ingredients. Though the book lays stress on the maintenance and breeding of pheasants in tropical regions, it ...
This book, The Tiger is a Gentleman, by Shri Vivek R Sinha, is a chronicle of his close association with wildlife and his experiences in the jungles during two decades of photographic excellence. Shri Sinha is an internationally acknowledged wildlife photographer and has a special love for nature. He and Smt. Sinha have frequently visited different sanctuaries together and have gained a wealth of experience, which they share with the reader. The book gives very ...
A Preliminary Study of the Ecology of the Leopard, Panthera Pardus Fusca, was done at Sanjay Gandhi National Park (SGNP) in Maharashtra. The diet of the leopard was determined by analysing leopard scats. The major prey of the leopards was found to be domestic dogs, domestic buffalos and rodents. Primates, including rhesus macaques, bonnet macaques and common langurs and cervids, comprising chital, sambar and barking deer were also preyed on. Suggestions for the ...
The Olive Ridley sea turtle rookery at Gahirmatha in the Indian State of Orissa was discovered in 1974. Although one more such mass nesting site has been discovered in Orissa, our limited knowledge on this species in India still largely emanates from studies at the lone Gahirmatha rookery. Considering the endangered status of the Olive Ridley and that it is the only one of the five species in India to have confirmed mass nesting here, this survey for information ...
The great multitude of multipurpose and hydel projects envisaged in the Narmada basin add up to a gigantic engineering enterprise even on the global scale. This massive river valley project which contemplates the construction of 30 major, 135 medium and over 300 small dams, is the largest irrigation project that has ever been planned and implemented as a single unit anywhere in the world. The Narmada Sagar and Omkareshwar Projects on the river Narmada will ...
Telemetry of animals is an important technique for studying different aspects of Wildlife management and research. This technique is used to obtained information on such topics as movements of animals (how animal use the environment, migration patterns, dispersal, and activity pattern), home range estimation, habitat use studies (Habitat preference), population dynamics and its estimation, stock assessment and behaviour. Published literature on this subject is ...
Ecodevelopment is a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder led collaborative strategy, currently being adopted in India to link the conservation values of wildlife protected areas with the livelihood and development aspirations of the local communities. The success of this programme essentially depends upon the ability of the planners to understand the complex issues involved in ecodevelopment and integrate these with the overall planning process. This ...