Showing all 6 books
The Devi-Mahatmya or The Glory of Goddess or Sridurgasaptasati, has a unique status in Indian devotional literature. It is a code of practice for the attainment of perfection, both internal and external, both spiritual and mundane. Goddess Durga seated on a lion represents in Indian myth and legends, rituals and rhetorics, metaphysical contemplations and folk traditions, or to the eye of a worshipper, a painter, a sculptor, or a poet, the Adi Sakti, the proto ...
This compendium of 19 essays seeks to examine the experiences of borders in South Asia and the America. It explores the significance and impact of political, cultural and racial borders from the times of the Partition of the Indian sub-continent to the contemporary era of globalization, with a focus on issues of language, identity, sexuality and exclusion.
It also deals with the literary as well as cultural texts, including oral narratives, of the sufferings of ...
Give us poverty, sunshine and wastewater, we shall give you food, employment and purified water, free of cost' is what the ecosystem people of the East Calcutta Wetlands seem to say, and this book is all about that. It is in fact about an outstanding wetland ecosystem which gives us lessons in ecology and sustainable development the way it should be understood to meet the assault of greed-based development. Living creatively with nature is the new concept base, a ...
Salman Rushdie is in many ways one of the most complex and challenging of living writers today. Engaging constantly with questions of identity, selfhood, mongrelization and hybridity not only through his writings, but also through the dramatic events of his life. This book attempts to reltate Rushdie’s fiction to larger theoretical questions of identity and self-construction in a post-colonial world. It also attempts to refute charges of reactionary nihilism ...
Economics of exhaustible resources has been one of the frontier areas of research for the last few decades. Yet, after decades of research one feels a little sceptic about the progress of knowledge achieved so far. Economics of environment and exhaustible resources as a branch of economic science had a challenge of providing a feedback to the mainstream economic analysis. But the disintegrated volume of literature that has generated has not been able to suggest ...