Write And Print Publications

37 books
This book compiled based on Environment and Ecology based aspects of inland fisheries and fully on applied sciences. As you know a book may be a friend when a true friendship is absent and hence author has written this book with mild intension to keep documentary evidences in Fisheries Information and Biotechnology in a brief and precise manner. Hope this may help in inland fisheries who may willing to procure the practical know-how of fisheries at micro or macro ...
Soils of the world hold a key to climate solution and sustainable agriculture. Our happiness, our future and our sustainability are rooted into this loose top layer of the Earth, we call soil. Soil is more than it has been understood as so far. It is the basis of our existence. It is the basis of our survival. It is the basis of our sustainability, and it is the very basis of the whole story of life on Earth. There is a saying: If you own soil, you own up to sky. ...
The work of entomologists, the people who study insects is extremely diverse due to the high abundance, species richness, and ecological and behavioral characteristics of insects. This book is intended as an introduction to the study of entomology, giving brief explanations and definitions of some chosen topics such as Introduction, Insect Morphology and Physiology, Classification of Insects, Insect Behaviour, Parasitism by Insects, Mites and Ticks, From Solitary ...
Insects and diseases are a major challenge to greenhouse production. IPM is an important tool in the management of these pests. The primary goal of IPM is to optimize pest control in an economically and ecologically sound way. IPM involves the integration of cultural, physical, biological, and chemical practices to grow crops with minimal use of pesticides. Monitoring, sampling, and record keeping are used to determine when control options are needed to keep ...
This book incorporates information on Rural Sociology: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Origin, Social Ecology, Social Change and Educational Psychology, Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension, Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Domain, Personality, Motives and Learning, Significance of Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension, Motivation Theories etc. The material presented in this book will be highly useful to the students research scholars teachers ...
The book endures as the most comprehensive guide to biological control agents ever made available to practitioners. The book helps you identify and understand the biologies of predators, parasites, pathogens, competitors, and antagonists that help control specific insect, pathogen, nematode, or weed pests. This how-to book helps you to: combine cultural, physical, and chemical methods with biological control, minimize pesticide impacts on natural enemies, release ...
Global food production must increase by 70% to feed the projected growth in the world’s population from about seven to nine billion people by 2050. This cannot be achieved without increasing land productivity and conserving soil, nutrient and water resources in the face of the severe challenges posed, including climate change, soil erosion and salinization, and drought and flooding - all of which contribute to reducing the quantity and quality of soil and ...
The title Implications and Applications of Biodiversity Conservation includes chapters on various aspects of implications of biodiversity and on their environmental quality and their survival in the nature. The Chapter one includes the importance of wetlands for the conservation aquatic birds which was discussed in the Ramsar convention 1971 in Ramsar, Iran. This information is provided by Prof. Bharathi D. , from Mahila University, Tirupathi and Prof. B. B. ...
To give the beginner in agricultural study a general idea of the principles of successful production of crops and to furnish him a basis for study in the other branches of agriculture, is the object of the present volume.
The “Practical Manual on Fundamentals of Horticulture and Plant Propagation” contains elaborate information on the field exercises. The tools and implements of horticultural use, potting, depotting and repotting, nomenclature and identification of fruit plants, classification of fruits are the important exercises of this course and the students will be able to study them in detail. The students will be trained in seedbed preparation, lying out of the ...
Estimation of crop water requirements is one of the main components used in irrigation planning, design and operation. Crop water requirements vary during the growing period, mainly due to variation in growth stages of crop and climatic conditions, and related to both cropping technique and irrigation methods. This book describes the various methods used for estimating reference evapo-transpiration (ETo). The daily ETo have been determined for eighteen stations ...
Handbook of Animal Nutrition, as the name implies, provides the information on practical aspects of animal nutrition in a nutshell. The information in this book will be of practical utility for actual feeding of animals e.g. chapters on various rations, nutrient requirement tables, TMR, Feeding of pregnant/lactating animals, feeding of calves, importance of mineral mixture feeding, bypass nutrients etc. The book also covers feeding aspect of horse, pig, dog and ...
Social sector is an important sector for India’s economy and includes health, medical care, nutrition, education, water supply and sanitation, poverty alleviation, housing conditions, etc., all of which contribute significantly to human development. Amongst the above, one of the world’s greatest challenges is to secure sufficient and healthy food for all and to do so in an environmentally sustainable manner. In this context, the concept of food and ...
The book contains a comprehensive treatment of the traditional agricultural production economics topics employing both detailed graphics and differential calculus. The text focuses on the neoclassical factor-product, factor-factor and product-product models, and is suitable for an advanced undergraduate or a beginning graduate-level course in static production economics. Chapters also deal with linear programming, risk and uncertainty and intertemporal resource ...
Agribusiness becomes a most important sector of developing countries due global opportunities of trade. New markets, high yielding inputs and new technologies are hitting agriculture every day and the market of processed and packaged food products is increasing day by day and therefore there is a vital need of trained manpower in agribusiness sector. Agribusiness has capacity to produce and supply the sufficient food and generates employment opportunities for the ...
Among horticultural crops, fruits, vegetables, flower crops and medicinal crops constitute a major chunk (over 90 per cent), and the share of fruits and vegetables alone is 25 per cent of agricultural GDP, with a share of about 40 per cent of the total agricultural export earnings. The book contains 19 minor fruits with their Introduction, Description, Botanical Classification, Origin and Distribution, Varieties, Climate, Soil, Propagation, Season, Harvesting and ...
This results in shorter explanation and description of individual topics. But on a whole the book is very useful for agricultural graduates and readers related to soil science field. Fundamentals of soil science is recommended for aspirants opting agriculture or botany as optional subjects.
The term ‘heterosis’ (or hybrid vigour) characterizes the increased ability or a hybrid as compared to the parental forms. The term ability means the favourable changes in hybrid characters when compared to the abilities of P (Parental) in one or several characters. The term heterosis was first coined by Shull in 1914. Generally heterosis manifested as an increase in vigour, size, growth, yield or some other characteristics. But in some cases, hybrid ...
Viruses that infect plants are responsible for reduction in both yield and quality of crops around the world, which are of great economic importance. This has provided the impetus for the extensive research into the molecular and cellular biology of these pathogens and into their interaction with their plant hosts and their vectors.
However interest in plant viruses extends beyond their ability to damage crops. Many plant viruses, for example tobacco mosaic ...
The book “Production Technology of Vegetables and Flowers” is written to serve a complete text book for graduate and early post graduate students of State Agriculture Universities as well as horticultural universities. It covers thorough information about economic as well as nutritional importance of vegetables, types of vegetable gardens, complete classification, research and development in vegetables along with future priorities and complete package ...
Different soils have unique inherent problems that come in the way of achieving the sustainable high productivity. The problems include acidity in hill and laterite soils, nutrient leaching in sandy soils, nutrient fixation in red, laterite and clayey soils, impeded drainage in swell-shrink soils, volatilization losses of N from calcareous soils, Zn deficiency in low organic matter, sandy, high pH and high water table soils, B deficiency in highly calcareous ...
Agro-informatics is the application in agriculture with innovative ideas, techniques and scientific knowledge to expand the horizons of the computer science. The book explores how ICT in Agriculture is gaining momentum throughout the World. There is a huge demand for Agricultural Graduates with ICTs skills and profound Informatics, Knowledge, to leverage a mix of emerging and existing technologies for effective and inexpensive ICT penetration in agricultural ...
This book is a multiple choices question bank on cell and molecular biology. This book will encompass large areas of lifescience/medical subjects. This book can be used for preparing university examinations of graduate/post graduate courses in Chemistry, Botany, zoology, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, and so on. This book will also be a worthy tool for preparing various entrance examinations like GATE/CSIR,lCMRJMedical PG entrance exams in India ...