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The militant groups in India including the PWG and Tamil Liberation Front, RPF Manipur, MPLF, TPDF, ULFA, Dalitstan Organization demanding ahomeland for the untouchables, Jihad-e-Mughalstan – Holy War for Mughalstan, the Republic of Khalistan, Jihad-e-Kashmir, UNPO and NSCN of Nagaland, ATTF of Tripura, and even Mongal National Organisation of Nepal - are all allies of Mughalstan Nation with its Headquarter in Lahore, Pakistan. This extremism thrives on ...
The Theory of the Aryan invasion of India was invented in support of the Western imperialism both political and cultural. The Western imperialists made us think that the Rig Veda is the work of barbaric invading horde and consequently three is no culture and civilization in the Rig Veda and the Christian missionaries got an excuse to show that Vedic culture came from Middle eastern culture, the cradle of the Bible and Christianity, showing that Hinduism or Vedic ...