Zen Publications

132 books
There is probably no person alive who has not pondered that which some intellects have termed “ultimate reality” – the source of animation and activation that expresses the phenomenon that we call life. Because this noumenon is immaterial, to the senses, it is sometimes described as “spirit”.
An interest in the spiritual need not have any inherent relationship with what is defined as religion. It can be free of: required beliefs; ...
The question of 'what happens after death' is what Shakuntala Hawoldar explores in this breathtaking piece of work. The author invites you to experience and live another mystical and spiritual dimension, and to submerge yourself in the deep and revealing story of 'Nachiketas'. Shakuntala Hawoldar has undertaken the terrifying and yet liberating task of confronting her own death for the benefit of us all. Death is a 'kind of growth', she says in her book ...
Around 1945, in the area of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, some peasants accidentally discovered some 53 parchments, written in Sahidic Coptic, buried in a large jar one meter high. Those leather-bound papyrus codices were mostly Gnostic texts, including the prestigious 'Gospel of Thomas'. The Gospel of Thomas, dated 4th century AD, is composed of 114 logia or sayings from Jesus, which reveal that the Kingdom is already present in each of us contrary to the ...
The truth which can be spoken is, for sure, not the truth. Truth is never beautiful and beauty is never true. Thats the first premise in Tao, says Karl. For someone who summarily dismisses any possibility of anyone ever knowing truth, its a wonder that this guy Karl is still in business-seasoned seekers forever longing to listen to him and not getting enough of it!
I am just answering unnecessary questions with unnecessary answers, 'I cannot give you anything nor ...
Nisargadatta Maharaj is undoubtedly the Ultimate Alchemist and his non-dual teachings, the Ultimate Alchemy. This book is a live satsang with Satguru Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, covering rare and unpublished conversations with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj which have been transcribed by his evening translator, Mohan Gaitonde, who had the privilege of being with Him from 1979 to 1981. The flavour of these talks is heightened by the fact that Mr Gaitonde, being ...
This is a work on the Avadhut Gita (song of the free) of Dattatreya. Incorporating he Sanskrit verses so that they can be independently interpreted by readers, it discusses the unique feature of the ancient work that offers stunningly paradoxical proclamations that strike at the root—the imagination —itself which is found to be an impediment to reality. The volume is organised into seven chapters as the original Avadhut Gita has been arranged, with ...
This book presents the English translation of Bhavarthadeepika, popularly known as Dnyaneshwari, originally composed in Marathi by Saint Dnyaneshwar. It provides a commentary on Gita to explain in detail the Vedanta philosophy of Upanishads.
In this translation, all the superfluous similes and examples from nature and day-to-day life, used in the original version, have been omitted to ensure a smooth flow of philosophical thought without digression. To maintain ...
Its the welcome release from needing any release which makesKarls display of 'the audacity of hopelessness in this book soenchanting and endearing.
If you believe you have made it spiritually it may be worthwhileto test your 'understanding through an encounter with Karl.Honestly though, in such a situation, he is not the kind of guy youwould particularly enjoy meeting! In the now overcrowded world ofsagely Advaita gurus dishing out profound insights into our ...
Extreme - thats how seasoned Advaita buffs would term the KarlRenz brand of Advaita, suggesting compromise as an option. Howeverthe option of compromising or not itself gets burnt out in theuntamed fire of Karls living words.
I would rather kill myself than bullshit myself, says Karl,scoffing at requests to be nice or accommodating to listenersgasping for survival. By neither confirming nor destroying coreideas of mind, no-mind, presence, absence, real, unreal, ...
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and the Holy Hill of Arunachala arethe names given to that Ultimate Truth which is beyond all namesand forms. The identity of these two forms as the one UltimateTruth, the Self, leads us to call Bhagavan Arunachala-Ramana. Herealized not only Arunachala, but every being and everything as Hisown Self. Arunachala-Ramana had no merely localised experience of Ias the body-mind complex; He realized the I as this universal,all-pervading ...
"The approach is both scholarly and mystic. Pages soaked withfundamental Upanishadic ideas regarding mind, consciousness, ego,along with concepts of Relativity and quantum physics?scintillating lines? clarity of vision of authors flight on twowings of reason and intuition."- Swami Jitatmananda, physicist-turned-senior monk, Sri RamkrishnaMission, Rajkot reproducible reliable subjective experiences also can becommunicated and evoked.
Dwaraknath Reddy ...
since retiring as president of the Bank of India, has been teaching Advaita (non-duality) for over twenty years to seekers from around the world. He has also written a number of books on Advaita. In the conversations in this book Ramesh points to the ‘intrinsic closeness’ between modern physics, Hinduism and Buddhism in their similar recognition of the ‘Unbroken Wholeness’ of the manifest universe. In the context of his concept of how life ...
Ram Tzu Glaubt an das Gesetz Von Ursache Und Wirkung Er weiB nur nicht was was ist. Widerspruch, Witz, Satire und Einsicht verbindend, kreiert Ram Tzu eine wahrhaft einmalige Sicht der Spiritualität. Dein Meister hat dir gesagt Der Weg sei zu sein, ohne Fragen.Jetzt willst du wissen, wie macht man das?
A Contemporary Mystics Enlightening Journey "The Bliss of Freedom is a celebration of life… a glimpse of the potential and possibilities for us all, here, now." - John Bradshaw Master Charles Cannon, the Modern Mystic, is known worldwide as a master of meditation, contemporary spiritual visionary and holistic educator. His mystical awakening began to unfold in his childhood and has continued throughout his life. In 1970, while still in his early ...
Being the fourth in the PRAGNYA Series, 'Amruthavarsha – a prayer companion', is a unique compilation of popular shlokas from our sacred, profound Vedic Sanskrit literature. It is a novel attempt to create awareness about the importance of proper pronunciation of Sanskrit shlokas, through simple English transliteration and supporting vocals, along with English meanings. These shlokas are included for their usefulness in daily practice, for their ...
Contents 1. The Cosmos is Brahman 2. Kalapurusha: the Cosmic Man 3. From Cosmic Man to Inner Man 4. The Inner Man, the Self, is Deathless 5. Sun: the Soul of All Beings 6. Aham : the I-complex 7. Idam:the Mind-complex 8. God:Real and Man-made 9. Self-realization is God-realization 10. The Internal Way 11. Blueprint for Self-realization 12. Om:the Sound of Cosmic Resonance 13. Prana:the Vehicle to Inner Self 14. The Endless Search for Reality 15. I Am All ...
As its title rightly implies, the sixteenth book of Swami Paramanand reveals that Hindu religious festivals are not mere rites and rituals meant to seek favours from the gods and deities for a comfortable living, but blueprints gifted to us by ancient Indian mystic to lead us towards higher goals until we attain enlightenment, the very purpose of our life on earth. Once again we are blessed by the ability of Swami Paramananda in interpreting complex spiritual and ...