A.H.W. Sameer Series

89 books
It was a love that began with the innocence of youth. A carefree love, between two souls made for each other from the moment they set eyes on one another; and so began Parkash and Nirmal's love story.
The desire to take chances is innate in humanity-primitive or civilized. Astrology, the oldest Science of the world, has outlined the proper courses for people to follow for thousands of years. There is a time and a place for all things, and no more practical science in the World can be applied to mankind's daily affairs than the Science of Astrology and Numerology. If people must speculate, this Book will be of immense value to anyone by showing them how to ...
The Holy Gita Belongs To The Whole Of Humanity. It Is A Logical And Scientific Exposition Of ‘The Truth’. It Is Like A 'Beacon' Just As Are Other Scriptures. It Helps In Understanding The Purpose Of Life – Of Being And Becoming What One Indeed Is – An Immortal Child Of The Immortal, Infinite Lord – The Changeless Substratum – Nirguna Nirakaara Satchidananda Brahman.It Was Revealed By The Blessed Lord On The Battle-Field With A ...