Christian Heritage Rediscovered

47 books
Who is Dalit? Who is Christ for Dalit? This book tries to answer these two pertinent questions. Dalit, etymologically, is a condition of brokenness and strive for wholeness. Thus, the term Dalit gives a wider prospect to see the people who are broken and motivated to be whole from their indefinable oppressions. In this broken experience, the early Christian community/church, who was broken by the rod of Grecian cultural hegemony, Roman imperial regime and Jewish ...
The book `An Introduction to Wesleyan Theology' is an attempt to bring the understanding of Wesleyan theology from different aspects and its growth from beginning to the present day context. This is more or less based on the Serampore syllabus for better understanding of the Wesleyan Theology. It tries to survey the earlier and contemporary understanding of Wesleyan Theology and brings its relevance for contextual theological developments. This book is an outcome ...
One theological theme that requires serious consideration is a contextualized Christology. Too many tribal people envision Jesus in terms of the portrayals presented by the Euro-American missionaries. Indigenous people continue to imagine Jesus as fair skinned, blond or red-headed, and blue eyed. This book attempts to construct a contextual Indigenous Christology that is revealed in Naga cultural values and metaphors. In all, this book raises a serious question ...
The book scrupulously covers the concept of mission and ecumenism of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) from 1957 to 2007. CCA is the foremost representative body of the Christian communities in Asia, and time and again stands for the socio-economic, political and cultural renewal of the Asians. The struggle for and attainment of stability by the people of Asia on different grounds has awakened the hitherto submerged peoples of Asia to a new sense of dignity. ...
One of the major concerns of the present society is the rampant consumerism and the malignant throw away culture, which has resulted in the accumulation of waste. Regardless of urban or rural area, nobody wants rubbish in their backyard. The theology that emerges from the present research is garbology which states that whatever God has created is `good' and `holy'. The `good' is considered sacred and useful; and the useless is waste and therefore must be thrown ...
This book addresses the fundamental twin-foci of Christology, i.e., Divinity and Humanity of Jesus, the Christ and its relevance to Christologizing. In the study of Christology, there is always the tendency to adhere to either of the two. There are very few attempts to find an integrated path, a middle-way.
The author takes up the `challenge' to attempt a shot at the middle-way in Christology. Therefore, when we talk of `Jesus Beyond Borders,' there is an ...
The first of its kind, this fascinating, exploratory and descriptive yet empirical study explores what compels Mumbaikars, i.e., urbanites to indulge in religious activities. Using Symbolic and Interpretive Anthropology, the role that symbols play in society and the theories of Cultural Anthropologists like Geertz and Turner; it delves deeper into how people celebrate an experience, how experiences become part of culture and how culture is renewed. Moreover, ...
In a comprehensive drug report, the United Nations recently declared India as southern Asia's biggest consumer of heroin. It is often thought of as an ideal transit point for countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nepal. According to the Times of India, of the 40 tonnes of heroin produced in south Asia, nearly 17 tonnes are consumed in India and with a trade value estimated to be $1.4 billion. Heroin has become much more than a bad habit.
Challenge drug abuse ...
The book attempts to bring the understanding of theology from different aspects and its growth from the beginning to the present day context. The grounding of the research is more or less based on the Serampore syllabus for the better understanding of Christian theology. This book tries to survey the traditional as well as contemporary understanding of theology and brings its relevance for contextual theological developments. It, inter-alia, is an outcome of much ...
To be blessed with the joy of having children is an immense gift. Every special gift comes with responsibility. The joy of having children will be fully experienced only when we nurture them well and safeguard their childhood. For children to experience childhood in its fullness is vital due to the fact that it has a very close link with his/her adult personality. Parents and caregivers are completely accountable for the holistic growth of a child. Reading ...
The unique, complex and elusive character of 18th century John Wesley believed that the future of England is dependent on socio-spiritual change in humanity. To achieve his goal, he embarked on a small yet significant method of educating people to conscientize them of their plight and the oppressive forces within and without. Humanization, liberation and justice were the driving force of his dream movement called Methodism.
The book highlights a comparative study ...
Christianity is a journey of faith and not a destination. It is a journey of knowing Jesus Christ, who is the very substance and core of Christian faith, in a most knowable and coherent way possible. In this context, the Bible provides the basis for this knowledge in the form of facts and guidelines which together form the doctrine of Christ, also called as Christology.
The author here attempts to formulate an Asian Christology in line with the thoughts of Fr. ...
This book makes a critical study of the Matthean Beatitudes from socio-historical perspective and examines their implications for contemporary Christian discipleship. Investigating into the socio-historical background of the Matthean community, it makes an exegetical study on the Matthean Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-12).
It also employs insights on the socio-historical experience of the Matthean community for drawing exegetical conclusions. It argues that the Matthean ...
India is probably the world's oldest and the most remarkable `living laboratory' of religious pluralism. Our context is such that Christianity among other religious ideologies is a lived-in reality in India. Down the corridors of time the Church has grappled with the question of how to present the uniqueness and the `Finality of Christ' in the context where Christians rub shoulders with people of other religious faith in daily life? As numerous approaches evolved ...
Music has accompained the worship of God ever since there has been corporate worship. The book makes an attempt to merge two loggerheads, i.e., contemporary music and traditional music, for a meaningful worship in the church. The purpose of the research is to find: What type of music and musical instruments are appropriate for church music and spiritual growth? How and in what ways both traditional and contemporary music can be merged; be effectively used for ...
It is the contention of this book that the majority of propositions perceived as cultural compromise (heresy) are, in fact, merely a step towards effective contextualisation rather than a settled formulation. This being the case, an understanding and application of Hegel's three-step dialectic will serve to hasten and enhance the process and minimise the accompanying conflict. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of ecclesial leadership to personally model the ...
The Presbyterian Church of India's Confession of Faith Article X deals with the doctrine of the Last Day. Its main theme is the resurrection of the dead and the subsequent "final judgment" where the living and the dead "shall be judged according to the deeds done in this present life." But the understanding and interpretation of the word "shall be judged according to the deeds" has often been held in tension with the basic ...
The book presents the locus standi of the Sumi Baptist Church in Nagaland. It also proposes the future course of action the Church should employ along with various non-governmental organizations, churches and the government organizations for the betterment of the society in socio-economic context. It suggests the Church to look seriously into biblical teachings and reflect theologically on the present problems for mission direction.
This scholarly work recommends ...
The Sacraments: A Practical Guide' seeks to foster a recovery of worship in both Word and Sacrament among Protestant Christians, especially those in Asia. Classical Protestant understandings are seen as the basis of a contemporary liturgical piety centered on the sacraments. This book aims to encourage Protestants to rediscover their traditional sacramental theologies and practices in order that they might recover their distinctive identities and revitalize their ...
Rev. Fr. Samuel Rayan (1920- ) is an Indian Jesuit theologian who has contributed significantly to the Indian Church. Being a radical humanist, Rayan is convinced that the human person in community is the object of God's special love. Through his theological writings, Rayan pleads for care of the earth, concern for life and commitment to people. In the last week of December 2014 a National Seminar was held in Christ Hall, Calicut, in order to study Rayan's ...
This book seriously researches the significance of theological education in the pluralistic context of Asia and particularly India. It vividly recalls the historical development of theological education under different denominations and different periods. In particular detail, it analyses the history of the Senate of Serampore College/University (SSC), its curriculum and its role in fostering ecumenism in India through theological education. It critically exposes ...
The book is an outcome of exploration of two great traditions - the early Christian traditions and Cultural traditions of Northeast India with a special reference to Mizo society. The author argued that the church is not just an institution characterized by rituals and dogmas alone but, the "church is a called out community" doing God's mission. Having in-depth research, the author argued that the uncritical acceptance of ecclesiology that these tribal ...
This study presents the official teachings of the Catholic Church on interreligious dialogue as enshrined in the documents `Ecclesiam suam' (1964) of Pope Paul VI, `Nostra aetate' and other documents of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), `Dialogue and Mission' (1984), and `Dialogue and Proclamation' (1991), with some reflections on the philosophical and theological foundations of interreligious dialogue, and the present state of dialogue in the Catholic ...