ENV Books Series

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The apathy of a common man towards Mother Earth and environment in particular is mainly responsible for the poor state aesthetics and health caused due to environmental degradation. As they say “Charity begins at home” is very true here. If we cannot handle a small quantity of waste materials generated in our house and depend on Local Body to take care of it, them dumping yards are bound to be there and environment is going to get degraded further and ...
Contents: 1. Wastewater. 2. Vermicomposting biotechnology. 3. Waste paper generation, collection, disposal and scope of recycling. 4. Solid waste disposal and its management with special reference to Sibsagar town area. 5. Municipal solid waste management in India with special reference to Silchar, a city of north east India. 6. Practices and concerns of electronic waste in India. 7. Decontamination of wastewater and smudged soil employing bioremediation ...
Contents:– Bioremediation; Phytoremediation of Organic Pollutants; Use of Selected Plants for Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals; Pseudomonas putida; Bacteriophages for Pathogen Reduction in Sewage Water Treatment; Low-cost Alternative Media for the Culture of Plant Pathogens-Use of tapioca as Possible Substitute of Agar; An Array of Microbial Diversity of Industrially Important Enzymes Producing Microorganisms from Different Geographical Pockets of Himachal ...
Contents: 1. Neoplasms in Fish. 2. Evaluation of different RTPCR assays for diagnosis of carrier infection of Nodavirus (MrNV) and Extra Small Virus (XSV) in Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Egypt. 3. New approaches in control of mastitis in dairy animals. 4. Climatic change and its impact on fish. 5. Increasing catfish production as a try to combat growth crayfish in the River Nile and its branches. 6. Fish production in the presumed lake of qattara depression. 7. ...