Krishnadas Ayurveda Series

Showing all 23 books
The book is written according to the curriculum framed by the Central Council for Indian medicine for Prasuti tantra subject (Paper-I) for BAMS graduates. Part-A and B of the syllabus are given separately.
Each topic is provided with Ayurvedic and modern concepts simultaneously.
Relevant slokas are given in Devanagari in each topic at appropriate places along with references.
All the literature, which is relevant to Obstetrics and Gynecology available in ...
With this opinion, the author has strived to provide a balanced, accurate and an updated view of the central body disease and highlighted the necessary clinical diagnosis and therapeutics.
The strong emphasis on essential parts of naidanika samprapti (Aetiopathogenesis) and lakshana samprapti (System pathology) is maintained, and wherever understood, the impact of modern medicine on the Ayurvedic practice is highlighted.
This book has a systemic approach in ...
Verse work on materia medica of the ayurvedic system in Indic medicine with "Hari" Hindi commentary.
Bhela Samhita written by Bhela carya one of the oldest Samhitas belonging to the contemporary time of Agnivesa the writer of the Agnivesa Samhita Bhela Carya one among the six disciples of Punarvasu Atreya. It is described by Burnell in his catalogue of manuscripts under 10773. A palm leaf manuscript of Bhela Samhita composed in Sanskrit language but written in Telugu script was first found in the palace library, Tanjore. The unique manuscript of this ancient ...
This book provides in-depth knowledge of diseases of nervous system – psychiatry and its treatment through Ayurvedic and herbal medicines. The important aspect of this book is that it takes care to give detail description of the herbs available in India and western countries. Hence the readers in India and western countries will find this book interesting and valuable in curing the problems of diseases of nervous system. More than 40 herbs are used in this ...
Kumara tantra is attributed to King Ravana of Lanka, the abductor of Sita. Hence, this work is considered to be ancient. Keeping aside its ancientness, there are other works said to have been authored by Ravana, the King of Demons. Well known work in Ayurveda is Arka prakasa. All the works of Ravana were published as on e volume under the name of Ravana Samhita. The works included in this volume were Graha Rasyadi Phaladesa, Rasi naksatradi phaladesa, Uddisa ...
Asavas and Aristas are ayurvedic medicine that are generally prepared by soaking the drugs in water or boiling it in the form of decotion with sugar, honey or jaggery and mixed with certain herbs such as dhaiphool or madhukapusp used for fermentation. They are generally kept for one to two months for fermentation generaing alcohol. These medicines can be kept for indefinite period without destroying its medicinal value. This is the basic reason that Asava and ...
The series of treatises dealing with material medica and pharmaco-therapeutics on drugs in the form of ‘nighantu’ is major, exhaustive and original source of Knlowledge on multifarious aspects for understanding the drugs ( ausadhi dravyas) comprehensively and his this ample contributory data, information and material make the sound, dependable and multi-dimensional background for lying foundation to independent field of study of drugs under presents ...
The Anal Fistula is a notorious disease due to its anatomical situation and fecuffences even with skilled surgeons. A Number of classifications and operations has been advocated by Modern surgeons, howeven, the contributions of modern surgery in this disease is insignificant specially in our country due to miscalculation in the amount of sphincter to be divided which renders a patient recurrence and frequently incontinence. The learned author has briefly and ...
Bhavaprakasa written by Bhavamisra is an authoritative text on Ayurveda and is being studied by students, teachers and practitioners of Ayurveda since last five centuries. It is comprehensive, dealing with basic doctrines, aetiology, symptomatology and treatment of all diseases. It describes about 500 drugs belonging to vegetable, mineral and animal kingdoms. This lexicon of drugs (Nighantu Bhaga) is considered as a speciality of this text since in incorporates ...
Rasa sastra and Indian alchemy a branch of Ayurveda evolved with an aim to alleviate human miseries, pain and poverty, survived as a distinct system for curing ailments from remote antiquity to the present day. This branch of Ayurveda was at its culminative point during Buddhistic era, During medieval period many original works compilations, collections of the subject done. Taking into account the present problem this book was planned. This is a basic ...
Rasashastra is one of the important branch of Ayurveda, which revolutioned the ayurvedic pharmacopoea in the medieval period. Among them Rasendra Sara Sangraha is one of the important classical work.Rasendra Sara Sangraha is a 14th century work, written by Gopalkrishan Bhatt. It is an exemplary work of compilation of various material related to rasa and other minerals. It deals with both minerals and metals as well as therapeutics according ...
Astangahrdaya of Vagbhata is an ancient authoritative treatise on Ayurveda. Its popularity extended beyond the frontiers of India for more than a Thousand years is substantiated by its translation in Arabic, Tibetan and of course of some European languages. None of these are available now. Study of Astangahrdaya is considered indispensable for a through knowledge of Ayurveda. With the increasing interest these days for the study of classical texts of Ayurveda ...
This comprehensive text book of Padartha Vinana, in accordance with the cirriculum framed by C.C.I.M. has been presented in English, to meet the needs of Ayurvedic students of various linguistic in India and most of the foreign Countries.
In the book, the entire subject is discussed at large with the help of a number of Darsana, Sastras; Ayurvedic system correlated by quoting originals from many Ayurvedic Samhitas, Sangrahas: Nighantus etc. Similarities with ...
Research is an on-going process. It is defined as systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources etc. in order to establish facts and reach new conclusion. In the present context the material and source of knowledge is based upon Ayurveda, which is not merely a medical science, but a philosophy of life. In Kasyapa Samhita, a known book of ayurvedic science, sixty four types of puerperal diseases alongwith the management of ...
This Netra darpanamu is the only book written exclusively on Eye diseases in Telugu poetry. This unique work in Telugu was first published in 1908 in Eluru and republished in 1915 & 1926. After a lapse of 58 years I got it serialized in Indian Medicine House Journal in 1984 to draw the attention of the Vaidyas of Andhra Pradesh. It is the general opinion, as I could gather, of the Ayurvedic fraternity, that it is very difficult to treat eye ...
Rasa Shastra forms the core of the Ayurvedic treatment. This branch of Ayurvedic system of medicine deals with the mercury and all the minerals, metals and animal products having therapeutic as well as alchemical importance. It also describes various types of instruments, heating devices and processing techniques for preparation of different dosage form of medicaments. During the medieval period, after the development of Rasa shastra as an ...