Nirala Series

Showing all 12 books
The Pokhara Valley, first comprehensive travelers guide book will prove useful to readers, foreigners as well as Nepalese interested in knowing the most captivating features of the Pokhara Valley. The book deals with several newly developed tourist sights worth visiting around the Pokhara Valley. Virtually, Nothing has been written on these sights. The book will fulfill a long-felt need and turn out to be a source of information for the forthcoming books on the ...
The Dhimals : Miraculous Migrants of Himal captures the mechanism of an agrarian Nepalese ethnic group caught in the crossfire of tradition and modernization. Dr. Regmi, for the first time, attempts to analyze the society of the Dhimals in a purely anthropological perspective. Describing all around socio- cultural facets of the Dhimals society, Dr. Regmi endeavors to study and determine how certain demographic, ecological and social changes are interacting with ...