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This book is the first attempt to describe all the fifteen places with which the Buddha had direct association. Narration of each of these places accounts the mythology, legend, Jataka tales, cultural history, archaeology, field studies and general information. The books is illustrated with 55 photographs and 55 maps and figure, and also contain a description of the main link station like Varanasi, Allahabad and Gorakhpur. Nearby sites for excursion are also ...
This book expounds in a colourful way the diverse literary images that Banaras, the city known as the Cultural Capital of India and the holiest city for Hindus, has inspired and continues to inspire in different writers in the course of history. Few other cities in the world have so sparked the imagination of the artists as this paradoxical and undescribable city which seems to integrate all contradictions.
Kabir, Tulasi Das, Mirza Ghalib, Bhartendu ...
This book is the first detailed study on Panchakroshi and itsassociated inner sanctum, the Antargriha Yatra.
Assuming itself as the centre of the cosmos, Kasi (Varanasi, Banaras) has preserved up to date its mandalic system, which is experienced and revived by millions of devotees Hindus through pilgrimage. At least since the 15th century, devotees continuously perform pilgrimage on thesetwo circuits.The oral and mythological traditions of pilgrimage are narrated ...