State Fauna Series

Showing all 11 books
Contents: 1. An overview/K. Ilango. 2. Sponges/J.G. Pattanayak and Santanu Mitra. 3. Mollusca: freshwater gastropods/V.R. Punithavelu and M.B. Raghunathan. 4. Annelida: earthworm/C.K. Mandal, Santanu Mitra and S. Dhani. 5. Annelida : freshwater oligochaeta/T. Biswas and C.K. Mandal. 6. Annelida: leeches/C.K. Mandal. 7. Crustacea: cladocera/M.B. Raghunathan. 8. Crustaceae: decapoda: caridea/R.K. Valarmathi and M.B. Raghunathan. 9. Crustaceae: decapoda: ...
Contents: 1. Overview. 2. Insecta: Collembola apterygota/A.K. Hazra and G.P. Mandal. 3. Insecta: thysanura apterygota/A.K. Hazra, G.P. Mandal and Anand Kumar A. 4. Insecta: orthoptera: acridoidea/Anita Dey. 5. Insecta: Odonata/Supriya Nandy and R. Babu. 6. Insecta: coleoptera: silvanidae/T.K. Pal and B. Baraik. 7. Insecta: coleoptera: colydiidae/T.K. Pal. 8. Insecta : coleoptera: Bothrideridae/T.K. Pal. 9. Insecta: coleoptera: erotylidae/T.K. Pal. 10. ...
The paper deals with the Oribatid fauna collected from different districts of Mizoram. A total of 40 species pertaining to 29 genera and 22 families have been recorded. All the species incorporated here are the first record from the State of Mizoram. Before undertaking the present work no species of Oribatid was known from the state. Keys to identification of families, genera and species are dealt in this paper. The first reference, diagnostic features and ...
"Meghalaya, which includes the Garo, Khasi and Jaintia hills, is bordered by the Himalayas to the north and the Naga and Manipur hills to the east and is a fine example of upward wrap. The Khasi and Jaintia hills are at a higher alleviation than the Garo hills. The Shillong peak situated at an altitude of 1967 mtrs. is the highest point in the Khasi hills. Moryngksih in the Jaintia hills is at 1631 mtrs. followed by Nokrek at an altitude of 1515 mtrs. in ...