World Series on Women's Issues

Showing all 14 books
The present scenario of women in our part of the world needs much attention and our past history, one hopes will provide the clue to it. The question of the status of women in our society is too important to be evaded and the problem too urgent for a solution to be postponed any longer. This is what intelligent women and men in our society today will not hesitate to admit. The number of educated women in our country in increasing with every passing year. Women ...
Women in India are becoming more and more conscious of their constitutional and statutory rights, even the rural and tribal women among them. This consciousness has awakened in them sense of urgency in experiencing equality and social justice. Without equality and social justice, there cannot be democracy, which is the exercise of the general will of the people. To improve any society, development of both male and female should be on equal footing. The ...
Women in general occupied a high position in society and enjoyed great respect. The initiative, courage and leadership women displayed in the political movement towards national independence or liberation from colonial rule assured them a ready and abiding place in India's new resurgent life. An essential requisite for the proper understanding of the position of women in a given epoch is to study the problem not in an isolated manner but in the context of the ...