Metaphorically India is perceived as golden sparrow. Our ancestors fattened this creature by putting layers of various varieties of gold on it. They perhaps, overlooked the bad effect of obesity. Our more enlightened modern leaders are in the process of thinning the bird for better health and mobility; little realizing that they are debilitating it. Our ancestors lived in an age of great men and small events where as we seem to be living in an age of small men and great events. Ancient India was far more civilized than Modern India with its satellites in space. The hall mark of our generation is spiritual sterility and Moral illiteracy. Leaning process has rendered the creature bony in most of the parts with flesh shifting to a smaller part. This creates imbalance. Then some genuine gold is also getting replaced by a counterfeit one, as it were. The difference of density of the two materials creates further imbalance. The poor bird is rendered immobile. Net effect of nuclear deal is likely to aid this on going process. Our political class is what it is. But unfortunately elite class is becoming more & more self centered. It is the elite which is one of the main forces propelling the country. With out knowing details of the nuclear deal in perspective they are shouting wah-wah-wah. Reason is simple. India was isolated in their perception and now it joins nuclear club. How much cost, apart from financial one, country has paid is difficult to estimate. No body actually isolated us. It was our own conscious decision to fight against the unjust nuclear regime of five countries which became more glaring with the nuclear non proliferation treaty of 1968, that came into force in 1970.
Yoga Yogasana and Pranayama for Health
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