P.D. Sharma

Showing all 8 books
In an attempt to inculcate values for the Civil Services by provoking them to think and debate on ethical issues, the book deals with issues in moral philosophy in the context of Civil Services and the values it must aspire to as there are heavier responsibilities in a modernising democracy of India’s size. It examines in detail the aptitudes of civil servants and foundational values of public service in India. It probes ethical concerns, dilemma and ...
Indian Administration: Retrospect and Prospect is a textbook with a difference. Prepared mainly for the benefit of students of Public Administration, it includes a wide range of materials, scattered in learned journals, reports of government commissions and committees and experiences of the Indian civil servants in the field. It is a comprehensive compendium that not only sums up the events of the past, but also suggests workable guidelines for the future ...
Metaphorically India is perceived as golden sparrow. Our ancestors fattened this creature by putting layers of various varieties of gold on it. They perhaps, overlooked the bad effect of obesity. Our more enlightened modern leaders are in the process of thinning the bird for better health and mobility; little realizing that they are debilitating it. Our ancestors lived in an age of great men and small events where as we seem to be living in an age of small men ...
The present study on the Hindu Astronomy grew out of the conviction about the sustained development of the twin disciplines of astronomy and mathematics since the beginning of Hindu civilization. The aim of this book is to set out in broad perspective, viz. the characteristics of Hindu astronomy as it developed in India, its major achievements and highlights, its chronological account of the astronomers and mathematicians, a fully referenced and documented survey ...