e-journalism is also known as "EJ" or "ENG" for electronic news gatheringis most associated with broadcast news where producers, reporters and editors make use of electronic recording devices for gathering and presenting informations in telecasts and radio transmissions reaching the public. The acquisition media of choice in 2005 are characterized by a variety of competing types or "formats" of video tape. Sound recording and editing offer a large number of analogue and digital systems. Still images, graphics and animation have their own sets of tools. The editorial systems available provide journalists with tools for fast and flexible assembly and delivery of electronically gathered and edited news reports.
Web journalism entered India about one decade ago. Initially, it had to cope with the pressure posed by the postliberalisation era. The deteriorating plight of web journalism led one to question its very survival. But some companies decided to stick it out, come rain or shine and availed, during the period 2000-2002, the services provided by the search engines like Google.
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