Sanjay Gaur

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"The king, the minister, the country, the fortified city, the treasury, the army and the ally are the constituent elements of the state". a strong foundation is the key to any successful business. Your vision, your commitment, your purpose - all form the basis for an organisation. They are the all-important pillars, the most essential part of any building. As per Chanakya all great organisation have great leaders.
It was only during liberalization and entry of multinational companies in India that the trend of paid news started. The materialistic world has change the concept of everything, and media is no exception. The phenomenon of paid news in the media has become entrenched as an institutional malpractice, especially evident in the coverage of the recent Lok Sabha and Assembly elections. Can something be done to restore lost ethics in an environment where commercial ...
In this Encyclopaedia the life and works of great Indian personalities Indian films music art politicians writers sports industries and science have been presented in a very lucid form. This Encyclopaedia consists of five volumes. In each volume the life and works of prominent personalities have been arranged as under: Vol. I. Legends of Indian Films Music and Art; Vol. 2: Legends of Indian Politics; Vol. 3: Legends of Indian Writing; Vol. 4: Legends of Indian ...
Film is probably the broadest and most varied creative opportunity in mass media. Films, a blend of creativity and technicality are an important media, not only for entertainment and information, but also for communication. Films, the most international medium, have developed into a universal art form that transcends cultural differences.
The craft of filmmaking is a teamwork which needs close coordination of various skilled individuals. It involves acting, ...
Corruption in media is not new. But this has now become institutionalized. It started with page 3 and parties to private treatise and now at the next level it has gone to the political sphere with candidates paying newspapers and TV channels to put out news. It is a fraud that operates at three levels the reader doesnt know that what he is reading is paid for the person paying is hiding this expense from the Election Commission and the cash the media company is ...
e-journalism is also known as "EJ" or "ENG" for electronic news gatheringis most associated with broadcast news where producers, reporters and editors make use of electronic recording devices for gathering and presenting informations in telecasts and radio transmissions reaching the public. The acquisition media of choice in 2005 are characterized by a variety of competing types or "formats" of video tape. Sound recording and editing ...
Barack Hussein Obama II is the President-elect of the United States and the first African American to be elected President of the United States. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught constitutional law at the University of ...
Mass communications research is defined here as primarily the scientific study of the mass communications behaviour of human beings, usually in current situations requiring the gathering of primary quantitative information. It also includes the study of the communicators, their media, and content of their messages. This definition of a specialized type of research, interdisciplinary in character and centres in the behavioural sciences area leaves out other highly ...
Communication and mass media are interrelated as without a suitable medium there can be no communication. The Art of communication needs more and varied means of communication in case of mass communication. Whereas verbal communication and print media are older means of mass communications, the technological development has give improved mass media like radio, television and motion pictures. Though media may be different, yet the overall principles for effective ...
Historians appropriately have recorded the nineteenth century as the age of that remarkable political, economic, and social transformation known as the Industrial revolution. Even more appropriately, the most significant development of twentieth century and the one likely to leave the most compelling impression on modern society has been the trenchant growth of the mass media. The development of the communication arts and the consequent germination of public ...
The news media are rapidly becoming involved with the Internet; so rapidly in fact that what is states here may be largely outdated by the time this book is published. News on the Internet is a moving target and we can only offer a snap shot of this board on the wing. Everything about the Internet and the World Wide Web, it’s been said, is about the future –and the future has been arriving faster than anyone predicated. The relevance of the Internet for ...