Social Psychology of Health: The Issues and Concerns in India

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This compendium of 15 papers, presented at the symposium on ‘Social Psychology of Health’, organized by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, attempts to examine the relationship of health psychology with the social problems. It describes how the societal factors lead to health aversive behavior and the need for understanding disease and health care in Indian traditional system.

It further discusses effectiveness of community health care systems, well being of women, factors making social marketing effective for public health, integration of traditional and modern systems for care, behavioral and coping patterns of mothers with children having cerebral palsy, changing patterns of illness, health implications of domestic violence among women, psychosocial adaptation of destitute women, psycho- social issues of care giving, suicide etc. in Indian society. A discussion on psychosocial approaches to handle HIV/ AIDS in India, effect of family therapy and interaction among HIV infected persons and the policy initiatives taken for effective delivery of health services also finds place in the book.


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Social Psychology of Health: The Issues and Concerns in India
1st. ed.
xviii+322p., Illustrations; 23cm.