Colon classification is a general scheme which aims to classify by subject all kinds of documents. The present work aims to interpret every rule, major or minor. Library classification has become a vast and complicated field of study using highly technical terminology. To illustrate the theory of classification, large number of examples have been given from all major schemes so that an average student can also grasp the concepts easily. This book has been specially written to meet the requirements of students, preparing for their library science, documentation information science, diplomas and degrees. Colon classification is the latest scheme in the field of classification. It has revolutionised thinking in classification and stimulated research in it. This new method is suited to small and large, general and special libraries, it is being taught in all schools of library science all over the world not only as a means of arranging books on shelves but also as means of finding out the focus of a book in a systematic way and finding the requirements of a reader while doing reference service.
The Encyclopedias Of India
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