Staff Development in Libraries

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One of the greatest challenges that academic and research libraries face today is to prepare the staff who work in those organizations for the future. Preparation of library staff requires serious attention to the human resource programs in libraries and consideration of the needs and interests of all levels of staff, from the director to the entry level library assistant. The authors of the articles included in this book suggest a set of general issues in human resource management and development and a variety of ideas and practices for developing staff at all levels in libraries.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Christine Gorman

Christine Gorman holds B.A. in English from Boston college and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from the Simmons college. Having a wide range of library experience, including four years as reference librarian and assistant undergraduate librarian, she specializes in Library Planning.


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Staff Development in Libraries
1st ed.
viii+265p., Tables; 22cm