Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology Vol. 3 is a collection of original research papers. The volume is divided into two sections viz. fish and limnology and wildlife. The section on fish and limnology includes papers on fish germplasm, fish habitat alteration, teratology, ecology and reproductive plasticity of cichlid fishes, influence of food on growth, status of various fish species in protected areas; diel variation in physicochemical parameters of high altitude zooplankton, aquatic pollution management, histomorphology of fish gonads and studies on fish parasites. A paper on issues related to gender in fisheries sector has also been included in this section in view of its importance. The section on wildlife includes a paper on conservation of salt water crocodile, follicular atresia in mammals, seasonal fluctuations in liver and body weight in common wall lizard, studies on habitat utilization of large herbivores, parasites of lizards, ecology or fresh water snails, ovular atresia iin a lizard, comparison of two wetland habitats in Kerala and a paper on effect of a polyphagoous insect pest on mulberry plants.
Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology: Volume 3
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Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology: Volume 3
1st ed.
xix+317p., Figures; Tables; Index; 25cm.
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