The present book has been written on the facts studies, to reflect various aspects of different microbial ecology of river Ganga at Hardwar. The coverage also includes description of the abiotic and microbial parameters of water. The seasonal fluctuations of various physico-chemical parameters have been discussed in relation to different type of bacteria observed at this place. Besides these the authors has also reported the zooplankton and phytoplankton of the river Ganga and its relation with abiotic factors. The book should form a very useful contribution for Limnologists, Biologists, Microbiologists and post graduate studies all courses in microbial ecology and limnology.
Dr. D.R. Khanna, Ph.D., FIAES, FASEA, FNC, FZSI, FSES is Professor in Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Hardwar (U.A.), India. He is a well known Limnologist and has published about 65 research papers and articles on limnology and aquatic microbiology. He has edited 6 books in the field of Environment and written 5 books in limnology and zoology, and a book of Yajya "Yajya evam Vayu Pradushan". Dr. Khanna is an editor of two journals "Environment Conservation Journal" and "Journal of Natural Conservators" and member of editorial board of three journals. He has also organized several National Seminars as organizing secretary/joint organizing secretary. He is awarded by ASEA Excellence Award-2000, and Nature Conservators Impetus Gold Medal-2003.
Dr. Tarun Chugh passed M.Sc., in microbiology and Ph.D., from Gurukula Kangri University in 1990 and 2000 respectively. He is regular member/fellow of several societies. He has published several research papers. He has participated in several conferences for the presentation of research papers. Dr. Chugh worked in Lupin, Ipca and Tabuk (s.A.), at present he is Manager (QA and QC) in Oman Pharmaceuticals Product Company, Salla, OMAN.
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