D R Khanna

42 books
Conservation biology is concerned with phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss and restoration of biodiversity and the science of sustaining evolutionary processes that engender genetic population species and ecosystem diversity. The concern stems from estimates suggesting that up to 50% of all species on the planet will disappear within the next 50 years, which has contributed to poverty, starvation and will reset the course of evolution on this planet. The ...
Contents: 1. Bacterial and fungal diversity leading to EUS in air breathing fishes a case study of climate change/Reena Laharia. 2. Study of biodiversity of fresh water molluscs from drought prone area of Solapur District/V.S. Kamble and K.R. Rao. 3. Intra-specific communication and territory marking in desert fox vulpes vulpes pusilla in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan/Hemu Chaudhary and G.R. Jakher. 4. A study of breeding site selection by aquatic birds in Jabalpur ...
The present book floral diversity and their conservation is an approach to describe floral diversity of India and abroad and to find out the measures to conserve it. the book consists of 30 chapters which highlights the conservation of floral diversity. The book consists of various examples, case studies diagrams and photographs included in the text along with the exhaustive bibliography.
The book would be useful for UG and PG level students researchers teachers ...
This books explores the role of biotechnology and its new emerging techniques for the betterment of environment and the human civilization. The book intends to present some new frontiers of environmental biotechnological applications and their importance as feasible for environmental problem solving. The chapters deal with different aspects of microbial degradation and interactions with environmental pollutants like heavy metals harmful chemical from wastewater. ...
"This book explores the interaction between climate change and the agriculture sector. Agriculture is essential to the livelihood of people and nations, especially in the developing world; therefore, any impact on it will have significant economic, social and political ramifications. Scholars from around the world and from various fields have been brought together to explore this important topic.
This book provides information about the different aspects of ...
Today one of the major global concerns in environmental management with certain sub issues like sustainable development, environmental technology, conservation and preservation etc. The present book is compilation of certain environmental management approaches contributed by various scientists in their respective field. Book recommends the understanding of various environmental practices which are and need to be used in modern development activities.
The use various technologies and application of technology is central to many environmental problems in recent years, including global warming and environmental pollution. Though technology ahs often been a major cause of environmental problems in the past but while focusing on sustainable development, new technologies offer many solutions.
The current book is the contribution of number of Editors and scientists working for the development of current ...
"This book “ Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Management” covers the rich biodiversity of various states of India and different strategies applied by the local people as well as national agencies for their conservation. Biodiversity is of very much importance and care of each species is very much essential as its extinction could disturb the ecosystem, which will ultimately harm us. So this book could provide basic knowledge and ...
Climate change is the greatest ecological, economic, and social challenge of our time. Researches over many years show links between human activities and warming of the atmosphere and oceans. This warming has caused changes to the climate system, such as changes in rain and wind patterns, reductions in the size of Himalayan Glaciers and demolished many ecosystems. Impact of climate change on earth ecosystems refers to effects of various climatic conditions on ...
The present book Ecology of Fish Pond greatly emphasize on the aquatic ecology of pond ecosystem. Pond ecosystem is of much importance s it is very useful for fish culture. So this book could provide necessary information to the people involved in fish culture for making the sustainable use of water resources.
The monthly fluctuation of different parameters is presented and discussed about their relation with plankton, benthic fauna as well as ichthyofauna. In ...
The present book greatly emphasize on importance of medicinal plants which are all around us. Various scriptures and mantras in our Vedas are having description about their medicinal values. This book covers the quality research on numerous medicinal plants and factors for their deteriorating and how we can save them is given. This book could provide necessary information to the people involved in cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants.
The present book is based on the facts which are analyzed in the laboratory with extreme accuracy and show the present situation of river Ganga. The monthly fluctuation of different parameters is presented and discussed about their relation with plankton, benthic fauna as well as ichthyofauna. The causes which have degraded the water quality and measures which have to be taken are given in this book.
In addition to this, the data given in this book is a type of ...
The term 'Blue Biotechnology' has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare. Biotechnology is technology based on biology, especially when used in agriculture, food science, and medicine. Of the many different definitions available, the one formulated by the UN convention on biological diversity is one of the broadest: "Biotechnology means any technological application that uses biological ...
Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms. Historically, protists were treated as the kingdom Protista but this group is no longer recognized in moder taxonomy. The protists do not have much in common besides a relatively simple organization-either they are unicellular, or they are multicellular without specialized tissues. This simple cellular organization distinguishes the protists from other eukaryotes, such as fungi, animals and plants.The ...
Vedas are considered as an ocean of knowledge. Every bit of Vedas is very important each stanza, each line, each word has a significant meaning to it. For the language also supports its purpose. It is said that Sanskrit is the only nearest language which could be used to explain or describe anything clearly and specifically. It is the only Vedic Dharma where religion and Science go in hand to hand. The Vedas contain in then the gems of all true science. The book ...
This book on Ponds Fish Ecology and Economics is one of its kind and is aimed not only for the cause of research but also for the scientists and administrators involved in the planning and implementation of policies related to pond water fisheries/fish culture. The fish farmers and fish & fisheries students too can benefit from this book.
The fundamentals of Molecular Embryology are presented within the framework of scientific discovery. Researches in Embryology have made almost incredible strides in the past few decades. Consequently, existing concepts of the Molecular Embryology have expanded. There has been a revolution indeed in this direction. The text integrates the descriptive, experimental and biochemical approaches into a conceptual framework for the analysis of development. All important ...