Rural Uplift: From State to Corporates

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Various programmes of rural uplift launched by the Government do not operate on the basis of commercial return, a basis that no private entrepreneur will ever ignore. The elementary market place economics does not operate in whatever the Government does. The only exception has been the development of national roadways under the quadrilateral scheme on the strength of tolls paid by the users to a limited extent though, with the tabs being picked by vehicle users by way of a specific cess on petrol. Ironically, even where there had been a commercial return in principle to start with – in irrigation projects– the government discarded it in the early sixties in favour of an ambivalent economic return mooted by Dr. D.R. Gadgil, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and accepted quite thoughtlessly by the Government. The corporate sector faces a challenge in that. It has to combine its normal profit motive with a strong commitment towards uplift of the poor and down trodden. But, this challenge also represents a rare opportunity for innovative management.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR K.S. Ramachandran

Kattalai S. Ramachandran (b. 1926) graduated from the University of Madras in History and Economics in 1947. Soon after, he joined the Archaeological Survey of India associating himself with the explorations and excavations aspects of the Survey. For more than a quarter of a century Ramachandran has participated in almost all the major excavations conducted by the Survey viz. Sisupalgarh, Sanur, Ujjain, Lothal, Kalibangan, Purana Qila, etc., and has specialized in the Iron Age, particularly of Tamil Nadu. He has also developed a lasting interest in art and iconography. Ranachandran has contributed more than four-score research papers of lasting interest to various journals, besides editing more trhan half a dozen books. His other books are: A Bibliography on Indian Megaliths; Radiocarbon Dates of Archaeological sites in India; A Bibliography of Harappan cultures of India and The Neolithic cultures-an annotated bibliography.


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Rural Uplift: From State to Corporates
1st ed.
153p., 22cm.