Human Dimensions and Agricultural Productivity

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Agriculture, which is predominant sector of Indian economy, provides the major source of livelihood to the rural population. Keeping in view the magnitude of ever-increasing pressure of population, it has become a challenge for Agricultural Planners to increase the agricultural productivity in different regions of the country. India’s food production can be increased only by raising the productivity of land, which provides the most ready means of achieving the immediate yields to keep pace with food demand. In this book, the author has attempted an unique kind of work of its own by taking anthropogenic factors as the correlates of spatio-temporal variations in agricultural productivity. This work portrays all the human variables in a lucid way. Furthermore, the present study offers an insight to the Scholars and Policymakers to consider the role of human factors as determinant of agricultural productivity in a region.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mohammad Taufique

Dr. Mohammad Taufique (born: 1975) hails from district Gopalganj in Bihar. He obtained his graduation and post-graduation degree in 1994 and 1996 respectively from Aligarh and Muslim University, aligarh. Because of his keen interest in Agricultural Geography, he preceded his doctoral research on the same field and was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in the year 2002. Dr. Taufique has several research papers to his credit in various national and international journals of repute. He has subsequently participated in a number of national and international seminars and conferences.


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Human Dimensions and Agricultural Productivity
1st ed.
x+216p., Figures; Tables; Maps; Glossary; Appendices; Bibliography; 23cm.